HI All,
I am sorta clear minded today since I stopped taking my muscle relaxants 🙂
I need some feedback on this matter if you don't mind. I really don't have anyone to sort this thru with and I feel you all know me pretty well thru my journal and I do hope you all see I am a kind and giving person?
I have or had this friend I worked with at the newspaper last year here in Connecticut and when I returned to Egypt I didn't hear from her due to her being shy and no to bright about writing.
I forgive her and understand she might feel threathened using the pc even tho my sister explained to her how she can use her pc < this one I am on now> and yet nothing.
I returned this year and went back to the Inn where I was also working last year.
There was an opening at the INN and I got her a job there.
I do the training there and I had to train her and after a couple of days of training I put her on her own .. I knew she would still need assistance but I felt it was best for her to sink or swim as my father would say.
Her attitude was no very pleasant and she acted as if she didnt even know me or was a friend of mine.
to cut it short … she was ignoring me totally.. Even told me how she knew what she was doing ……< even tho she didn't>
I fell from a work accident on July 7th and on July 20 my muscles began to twist from over work.
This girl called in 2 days in a row and they didnt have anyone else so I worked 3 weeks with only 1 day off.
This girl knew I fell and didn't even ask how my leg was and then knowing I had to leave work for an undisclosed time she didn't even offer a hi.
I have learned one thing in this lesson of life.. I will never get a friend or foe a job again.
It's a sad statement to make especially from me being so giving to all no matter who or where they are from.
I know when I am useful to her I can't get rid of her but now I am not .. that's the way of the takers I feel.
I am still out of work and in lots of pain and yet even work doesn't care since they are affraid of the medical bills.
Thats another story.
Thanks for reading and replies.
HI Briar,
you are so right in this .. it does make me feel better to help someone and especially one that is close to me in friendship.
Before we were best buds in shopping and work and just going to dinner.. I feel she was using me before and now ..
I didn’t hear from her since I am home , my sister said she stopped over one time when I was sleeping due to the meds.
I am finding it hard to deal with people now, I am very sensitive since my living in Egypt and dealing with horrible people there and looking forward to being with my American people and then facing hard times here too.
Oh well I am a survivor and I will move forward.
Thanks for your input, you are missed as well.
Sorry to hear about your work accident. Just make sure to take it easy and if I were you I would give your “friend” a good old slap about the face and tell her to get lost.
Actually, seeing how she is treating you I think it would be best that the people in charge see how she really handles things by herself. She doesn’t sound too bright and should manage to get herself fired in next-to-no-time. Problem solved. You will have one less irritant to deal with at work and in your life 🙂 tee hee!
I cannot believe that she would treat you like that. People like that really make me sick. Get rid of her!
HI Katie,
You are so right and I have washed her neg feelings from my mind and soul.
I have a light that can’t be put out not even by the devil so stand back and let me shine 🙂
In light and love,
Yes dissappointed is more like it. at the other job we were best buds and always laughed and really had a ball and we even cried when I was leaving to fly back to Egypt for the winter .. INFACT I even invited her for the winter to stay with me there what was I thinking??? 🙂
thanks for the reply and nice to hear from you once more.
Hugs from US
Hi Eve,
Ouch, sorry to hear you hurt yourself. I hope your feeling better and back on your feet soon.
As for this so called friend don’t let her behavior prevent you from continuing to be the giving and compassionate person you are. For every three wonderful people you meet in life you will find one who will take advantage of your good nature and disappoint you.
Stay your sweet self and get better soon.
What really upsets me about people in general.. they take jobs they can’t handle.. Sure I have done that in Egypt also but in a week or two I would say, ” Look I told you from the start I don’t think I can do this kind of teaching and I now know I can’t so please find someone else.”
She is sorta mindless and I am not making fun of her I feel sorry for people like this but if this job is not suited for her and she feels that me being her ” teacher” as she was mine in the news paper bothers her then I can understand that but look at it this way .. I am the best there and the longest there and very organized.
This girl KNEW what I faced with this other idiot I was suffering from for 8 months there last year and what does she do??? Almost the same shit.. this is what really pisses me off..
I really feel it’s intentional now not the fact she is slow minded.
Lessoned learned for sure..
I said to my manager how sorry I was for giving her this job they do see how brainless she is but she gets the job done how ? I dont know 🙂
I am not sure if she is still working there since I didnt hear her name mentioned when I called about me returning to work…
Not many have patience with this kind of person and to call in 2 days in a row after being there only for 3 weeks is unheard of.
Thanks for letting me vent
Love to you all for the support
HI Strobe,
thanks for the well wishes,, I just came from the physical therapist and he said due to my muscle strength I will heal faster physically, now to get past this friend or foe crap, I have just put it out of my mind,, I am better than that.
thanks for the reply, every good bit helps 🙂
Hi Eve.
I’m sorry for you…
Sorry for knowing you got desappointed because of this girl and for being working so much in poor conditions.
I really hope you’re feeling better by now.
But, as I use to think, other friends may have a different response if the job was offered by you. I wouldn’t take this girl as the only example of ‘offering a job to a friend’. I say that because I have offered my friends jobs before, and they all pleased me well.
Let me know how you’re feeling.
i Think I’ll agree with you, i don’t like getting people jobs or stuff like that. i’m very keen on people saying thank you, so if i really deserve it and they don’t appreciate what i’ve done for them i tend to get bitter.
The point is that i understand if you’re angry (and if not angry, dissapointed).
Esa chava es una malagradecida que no merece tu atencion.
I hope you get better soon.
HI Dan,
Thank you for asking about me 🙂 I am feeling a bit better today but still not going to work until probably weds or thurs.
I was chatting with this lady online that I know the shoe flower lady and she told me that she too had a bad experience hiring a friend and this so called friend became her manager after working her way up the ladder.
also her neice too had a bad exerience in hiring a friend so I guess its a 50 50 deal it could work out good or bad.
my next plight is fighting with the owners of the Inn for them to pay my medical bills since it was work related..
I got my pay check today and he wrote THANK YOU under the overtime part….
Lets see if he still feels the same when the emergency room bill comes in 🙂
OH well getting off my soap box again.
Miss you Dan lots..
HI K 🙂
thanks I needed to hear that from someone 🙂 I don’t have it from my family just my O family 🙂 thank you all for your replies.
I did forget her actually, she showed up at my door yesterday and I stood in the door to prohibit her entry and she usually pushes her way in the house without being invited .
I said to her I am not letting you in due to me resting now and it’s very hot.
She gave me a get well card with drawings in it like a 5 yr old would draw and just put her name no more love D or miss you Eve.
Funny how a good thing can turn sour and back fire in your face.
Thanks again K, I too love you and all our friends in Oprea land.
Big hug,
Hi Eve,
I’m so sorry about your back. Please rest and do your PT and get well.
It all comes back to us. Do not stop extending yourself to others. I’m sure it makes you feel good to help someone else. I know it makes me feel good.
I don’t know why this gal blew you off. Poor judgement on her part. I wouldn’t say not to help a friend.. The difference being this gal wasn’t a “friend” I don’t use the term lightly. An Acquaintance is one thing… a friend is another.
Do what makes your heart happy.
I’ll have to agree with Briar on this one. One good turn deserves antother, unfortunately it may not come from the one we would want it to come from.
Remember, you can only do what you can do.
In saying that, don’t despair if the healing doesn’t come as fast as you would like. It will come.
Be well, heal up,
Hello Eve dear,
I am sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well!
As for your “friend”, forget her! I can understand your hurt, but people like that aren’t worth time and trouble.
We love you!
Hello Eve,I’d do that only for very close friends, that means people I know for years now and people I’d ask for the same thing. That’s always a part and a risk of friendship. As said above, some people aren’t worth the time and and trouble.Best wishesElmar
HI Elmar,I worked in that INN for 3 summers and put up with the most horrible people I have ever worked with, liars, theives and lazy asses.. this year I said NO MORE.. I quit them and now they have to deal with those people and since they didn’t appreciate me I have no quilt feelings of leaving.. My health now is much better and my mind more clearer.Thank you for your advice too I should be less giving in these areas.Eve
We have to learn from those experiences. :sherlock: ;)Stay wellElmar
HI Elmar,I have learned believe me I have 🙂 thanks for replying Eve