Someone who watches over me

I am off today so I figured to post again 🙂

I had the idea to go down south towards N.O. to try to help either with the children or the animals however, I was told to ask my friend W.. the 76 year old gent who is my close friend here in USA.

I did ask him and he feels at this time in my life and due to my financial, physical and emotional strength being lessen due to my work here in Connecticut I shouldn't go.

He did bring out great points which I have overlooked.. Even the workers who are more emotional sound and phyically healthier than I am weakens so quickly.

I guess my heart is in the right place just not me as of now.

It sucks getting old … DAMMMMMMMMMM !

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated 🙂

Hugs to ya,

10 Replies to “Someone who watches over me”

  1. Dear eve! your blog is amongst the most popular here along with k4’s. I’m glad to be friends with the popular girls! :)I think there are other ways to help NO people without having to actually going over there. You’re right, your heart is in the right place. I also think that it’s the intention that matters, the fact that you don’t want to just sit around is the most important thing.

  2. HI EZ and Sarah,You both are so sweet to say these words to me I do appreciate it so much.I know you are right about taking care of ME first and I see this is a huge problem I have with myself.Raising 5 children and 4 grandkids and always giving to them I guess it was hard for me to focus on the ME factor and Sarah you do understand this point being a Mom .I am always giving to others and rarely getting anything in return other than slammed doors and phone clicks of the receiver being put down in my ear.I thought I was being selfish in my efforts since the people of NO and animals would “APPRECIATE ” my efforts where as here in USA and in Egypt I am not apprecaited for my work or extended hands.I do know that my online Opera friends DO appreciate my words and efforts in the advice I offer and this really does make me feel I do make a difference… THANK YOU for this feeling :)LoveEve

  3. Hi Eve, From one woman to the other, I feel as if we should take care of ourself before we take care of others. I hope you understand that what you are offering to do is wonderful. Just take it easy. I think you are a wonderful person for even offering to help. Can’t say that for everyone…..if you go let us know, ok? Always, SarahPS- You are not getting older, only better and wiser and more respected, I find that more beautiful than youth! I am jealous, I look up to you and respect what you have to say, so please don’t put yourself down. Also, I agree with Eztigma.(about the popular girls)

  4. Eve,I recently wrote a poem, (as a comment in response to one of Sarah’s blogs and I also copied it to my own blog; you may remember it? “How much we touch others depends….” but it was written also for everyone and that of course included you, very dear friend.I read what others say about you, both here and elsewhere. They think highly of you. You are respected and your blogpage is visited by many people.How can one write without slipping into usage of the cliche? I will try not to in this posting, but when I tell you that not only does your heart seem to be full of the most humane and ‘spiritual’ love for your fellow beings, I would not be surprised to know that your ‘inner being’ is turned towards those things too.Whether one believes in a Divine Entity or not, one thing is certain, all of us are given, one way or the other, a finite time in which to live out our existence and accomplish our purpose(s), leaving when our hour approaches, with the knowledge of what we did, with the time that we had.I infer that you try to do what you can and that you give thanks to your God, for what has been granted to you. Do not worry that this time you have been unable to go “The whole nine yards”. I imagine that in your life you have covered far greater distances, walked vastly longer journeys, helping those whom you love and those whom you felt were unloved. Only you know what you have endured. But I suspect that I am not too far off the truth in my understanding of you.”Lift up your face -the Sun shines upon you, for you are bathed in its glorious light”.Love and very best wishes,lokutus

  5. Dearest Sweet Lokutus,Again you have revealed your heart and soul inside these wonderful words to me.. I do thank you from the bottom of my heart. Never has anyone said such beatiful words in relationship to me or that I remember 🙂 Thank you my friend.I try to speak from my heart and soul in all matters to anyone they can take it or leave it. It’s free and cost only a few moments of their time.Thank you so much my sweets.Love and hugsEve

  6. Eve as somebody who has worked with animals a lot in my career it is exhausting to the youngest and fittest of people, so do not feel as though your physical body is tying you down. Perhaps one way to help is to help raise more awareness about the causes over there and you can do this via this journal or a blog for example. Even just talking about things over there opens a curtain for all of us and helps us to understand so many things. Your real strength surely lies not in muscles but in the soul. 🙂

  7. HI Capegirl,Thank you so much for your words too they are very uplifting and very good advice .. I shall do what I can while I am here in Connecticut.I noticed around me they are accepting water donations and also other household items they will truck down there. I will see what I can do in this area.again thank youLoveEve

  8. I think it’s a great idea – but hardly surprising from a person with a heart as big as yours! :)I am sure that there are other ways of offering assistance without having to go down to New Orleans, the water donations sound like a great idea and something that they would definitely be in need of. Going to New Orleans would be a very taxing experience even on the most toughest of people – and someone would have to be very mentally prepared for what they would see and experience when they are down there. It is very noble of you to think of helping out – some people who have more resources at their disposal wouldn’t even have the thought cross their minds.Love, JCL.

  9. HI JCL,thank you so very much for your kind loving words and I am doing what I can from this view for the efforts in NO.There is a moving company here that is taking donations and I am going thru my closet not that I have much to offer however it’s all I can do right now.I am also giving at grocery stores donations as each store is accepting them for NO.I think I am just looking for another direction to go in other than EAST to Egypt.. Am I escaping again??? :(Watch for my posting soon to be written.Love you JCL.Eve

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