Largest gathering since the Vietnam war in DC

HI all,

I am wondering if anyone has seen coverage of this gathering in DC today Sat. Sept 24th?

I have had the news on and I have yet to see anything concerning this rally.

The rally is against the war in Iraq and is stating the issue of bringing home the troops.

Women who have lost husbands and sons and daughters are speaking loudly and yet all I see is the coverage of RITA.

I have seen some news online however, none on tv.

Please let me know if you have ..

Hugs to all,

15 Replies to “Largest gathering since the Vietnam war in DC”

  1. the media is cotroled my the divel worshiping presadent bush he has taken an oath to satin the sepent his god is the divel your son and fathers wemen to are just another virgin in the fire for him and his kind invented terorest for to steal your freedom

  2. Hello El,And I suppose your dictators of the 3 world aren’t devils ? They take the food out of your mouths and stuff the money the USA gives to your countries into their pockets.. and you think BUSH is the devil??? Look into your own back yard and you will see more devils than what Bush is.

  3. Hmmm, a little discombobulated, your first poster. Hello, Eve! Thought I’d stop by for a visit and thank you for your interest and support of my adventure :happy:I haven’t been watching TV news too much lately (and it’s not just because of our baby preparations!). Unfortunately our venerable CBC is on strike and there’s been nothing but sap for programming. Our national news has been replaced by BBC World Service broadcasts which don’t provide any local perspectives for us. But thanks for reminding me of this very important event happening today. I’ll have to catch up with it via newspaper and on-line news.BTW, today’s local paper has an article about American army dodgers seeking refugee status in Canada. Apparently Vietnam draft dodgers were granted instant landed immigrant status in Canada back then but that’s not the case anymore for Iraq dodgers. So far the courts have denied refugee status for Americans but people keep stepping up to the plate to challenge it.take care!lenora

  4. i’m watching the 11:00 news on nbc right now…yes they started out with rita news. i’m not surprised because disasters are much more fascinating to the mass audience. it’s a public service thing. no conspiracy.but i did hear earlier today that the demonstration was hampered by transportaion difficulties for new yorkers to get there on time.tomorrow there will be a demonstration for the pro war hawks.anyway it was bad timing because the president is out of town, the vice president is in the hospital and congress is in los angeles, hundreds of anti-war protesters marched in los angeles.

  5. HI Artman,, Welcome home !Wow what a great surprise 🙂 I am so happy to know you are still around the Opera community.I have missed you and wrote to you a few time with nothing sent back.I bet they will cover the pro war rally don’t you ? Is the whole US going Republican?Big hug to you ArtmanEve

  6. HI Lenora,thank you so much for posting about your situation in Canada and I do understand about the BBC they are a great news organization however, they don’t like to cover local news 🙁 I didn’t know people were going to Canada to get out of Iraq war, it’s a non draft war where as Vietnam was a draft war and this is why so many seeked refused in Canada, I don’t blame them.I still haven’t seen any coverage concerning the rally in DC and I am sure the news organizations have been warned ! Keep posting about Risa, I am really excited for you both,miles of smiles for you,Eve

  7. Hi EveI did not even know that they were staging such a huge protest. Maybe if I watch CNN I will see it there. I guess it was only a matter of time before things got to this stage and I am glad that the masses are rallying together. I don’t know if I would want my son or daughter fighting a war aimed at just furthering the personal interests of the Bush Administration. There is no honour in that and it’s sad that they are being asked to give up their lives for it.JCL.

  8. HI JCL,I know what you mean, this is the point to the ANTI WAR .. when will all the people understand it’s for Bush personal growth not terrorist activities since Iraqs Sadam was the only terrorist in Iraq not USA.There are other countries to be worried about concerning “TERRORIST” but then again.. Bush probably doesn’t have OIL ventures in those countries.PS… I still didn’t see anything about the ANTI WAR only a short bit on PRO WAR… Where is FREEDOM OF THE PRESS??? Happy to see your name on my journal again Hugs and LoveEve

  9. HI JCL,You are so right and to think the news didn’t cover this event is unreal.My sister said she saw a bit on the PRO WAR rally however, nothing was shown for the ANTI War rally.I don’t know when Americans will say, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”There is coverage online however, not that much only a short blurb in yahoo that I have seen.Eve

  10. Hi Eve!Living in MX doesn’t make it really easy to find coverage on the events happening in other places of the world if you don’t have cable or satellite TV. The media here is more concerned about soccer or gossip. This week the big news were about the releasing of a soccer coach who was kidnapped about six weeks ago. Nothing on Rita, nothing on the gathering and even nothing about a chopper that crashed with the Secretary of the Federal Police.There are serious radio programs or newspapers like Monitor or La Jornada, but they are few.BTW, thanx for the insomniac messages advice and I have spotlighted your blog 😉

  11. hello Eve, hello everybody else. Juat taking this moment to show that I can also post to your blog. :)My last blog I set as ‘Friend Access’ only and now it will not change back to ‘Public Access’, although I keep resetting it to that status -weird huh?Regarding what you say about Canada, and their government’s unwillingness to allow ‘draft dogers*’ -strange term that, since, as someone else has already mentioned, there is no longer any draft (yet) in the USA,I assume said people* are AWOL and want to stay that way. Just why they volunteered in the first place would make an interesting set of stories. I notice you asked I_ArtMan “Is the whole US going Republican?” One hopes not (‘though in a democracy everyone can vote how they wish of course) because although the USA does not have the ‘conrasting’ differences between its two major political parties, as is evident in many other countries, the Republican Party seems very much more to the right wing of US’ politics, with the neo-con wing seemingly holding most of their cards.I must not be too critical of course, for in my own country our politicians also live in large glasshouses.Well there you have it -my two small cents’ worth.lokutus

  12. HI Fluffy,Yes its Rita here too mostly and also the after math of Katrina.thanks for the input.Eve

  13. Hi Eve: it seems that hurricanes and what’s being done to help those affected by them is the big news lately. I believe that the media is too tightly controlled to give the American public an accurate view of what is going on in our world. The President keeps avery tight hand on the media through his henchmen, and not too many journalists want to tangle with them. Look at Dan Rather.. he ended up in retirement for a misleading story on the President’s past history, or lack thereof in the military. It seems the whole media turned on him in just a few short weeks. I’m finding that the Republican paty is doing it’s best to tighten its’ stranglehold on the government policies, as well as all future policies regarding the public and economic and ecological sectors. I’m hoping many democrats and indies will rise to the challenge and vote Republicans out of office, and raise some stink about the policies that are being injected into our lives nowadays.The anti-war rallies are not allowed to be covered. Sorry.

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