Weekend completed … no problems

HI all,

Today is Tuesday and I am off again and the weekend is over !!! and so is the busy season another year completed in the hotel industry.

This job has taught me many lessons and I am so thankful for having problems that teach and also wise enough to see the lessons.

Now I have to make some decissions which again are life changing once MORE.:no:

Thank you all for supporting me in my rants and also stresed out moments. I hope I can be a help to you at anytime. :angel:


8 Replies to “Weekend completed … no problems”

  1. No problem 🙂 We love to hear your rants! Look on the ‘popular blogs’ page and you’re on the list, so a lot of people like listening to your rants hehe. If we didn’t have decissions life would be so much less interesting lol Though sometimes I wish my life were less interesting at times.Take care.

  2. Hey there Eve, You do not rant. You just tell us about your life an, speaking for myself, I love to read what you have to say and to talk to you. That old adage “Life’s a bitch…” is true to a point but not entirely true. There are shafts of sunlight, there are clouds through which the gold appears, there are moments when the light and warmth reaches all of us, through days that alternate, with laughter and sadnessss, throughout all of our lives. Some will say that all of these things are “the Will of God”. Others will say that lifeproceeds regardless of our feelings and that we have to get on with it, have to adapt, have to survive. I favour the latter explanation. I know we can stick two fingers up at ‘adversity’ and say “You will not defeat me! I will be stronger than anything you throw in my direction!”. Getting through the process is the tough part, but I do believe that we will all come through, if we believe in ourselves and if we maintain contact with those who love and cherish us, including our friendsLove from me to you, dearest Eve,”Look up! See? The light of the Sun shines upon you, bathing you in its glorious rays”lokutus 🙂

  3. Oh eve… I am in the same boat. I have A LOT to sort out. Why can’t life just be SIMPLE? I might be 100% happy if it was SIMPLE!!!FB :faint:

  4. Hey you guys and gals.Thanks for the support and sharing your hearts with me. I do appreciate it so much.I am staying strong however the life that surrounds me makes me feel I am slowing swirling into a whirlpool.Hold my hand and don’t let me drown. :angel:Love :love:Eve

  5. Hi EveThanks for writing all that you do – you write about things that we can all relate to. And you just don’t rant and rave, you also write about pleasant experiences – and friendship is about sharing ups and downs 🙂 Please check your e-mail, there’s something I have been meaning to send to you for a while now.love,JCL.

  6. HI JCL,I got it and love it thanks thank you for caring and reading my journal check your email I sent you a message :)LoveEve

  7. Hello Eve,I understand why you quitted that job. Though sometimes I think I missed something never have been employed in gastronomy. But that’s probably most interesting when you’re still young …Best wishesElmar

  8. HI Elmar,What’s gastronomy? sounds mysterious :)I had to quit that job the people I trained had no brains or common sense also I was doing all the work as the others were still making the same per hour pay as I was .. enough is enough.When I get fed up I am so out of there 🙂 in any case.. relationships or work .thanks for reading my life Elmar.Eve

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