My Hearts Protector

Dedicated to My On'an

With sincere and caring words and dedicated offerings from his heart to my heart and the defender of my spirit.


I compare On'an with the ArchAngel Gabriel, giving my spirit life and love.

He stands against evil and darkness and stands to guard my heart against the same and yet a loyal devoted friend with never ending dedication to my happiness.

Ana he bek gedan gedan gedan Ya On'an

I offer this posting to you my strong defender of my heart and spirit.
You are a gift to me and I do cherish you.

with love

2 Replies to “My Hearts Protector”

  1. Zenya, querida amiga, soy muy feliz porque me tienes en tu corazón, yo también te tengo en el mio. Pero piensa que tienes muchos amigos y que todos te quieren tanto como yo, o incluso mucho más, ya que te conocen desde hace tiempo… Yo no soy una persona especial: soy amable y sincero con todo el mundo, es una característica de mi personalidad. No debes idealizarme, ni imaginar cosas que son imposibles.Y ahora hablando de otro tema: ¿recuerdas que te comenté hace una semana que yo pensaba que la gente de Opera no permitiría los mp3?… pues parece ser que ya ha sucedido: no se descargan los mp3. ¿Me enviarás el Fundamentum.mp3 a mi email?… no puedo descargarlo. Tampoco se pueden descargar mis mp3, así que idearé la forma de recomponer mi blog, convirtiendo los mp3 a flash… lo cual va a significar un trabajo enorme, pero si no lo hago, la mitad de mis post han quedado destruidos musicalmente.En fin, de momento voy a seguir con mi jornada. Un grande y fraternal abrazo, querida Eve, y buenos dias.Onán.Tr. machine:Zenya, dear friend, I am very happy because you have me in your heart, I also have you in mine. But he/she thinks that you have many friends and that all love you as much as me, or even much more, since they know you for some time… I am not a special person: I am kind and I am honest with everybody, it is a characteristic of my personality. You should not idealize me, neither to imagine things that are impossible.And now speaking of another topic: do you remember that I commented you one week ago I thought that people of Opera would not allow the mp3?… because it seems to be that it has already happened: the mp3 is not discharged. Will you send me the Fundamentum.mp3 to my email?… I cannot discharge it. Neither my mp3 can be discharged, so I will devise the form of recomposing my blog, converting the mp3 to flash… that which will mean an enormous work, but if I don’t make it, half of my post they have been destroyed musically.In short, for the moment I will continue with my day. A big and fraternal hug, dear Eve, and good morning.Onán.

  2. On’an,I am living proof, nothing is impossible :)I remember you telling me about Opera and the mp3 however, I was thinking it was the size not the format.Now you will have to help me with the MOD program :):heart:Eve

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