
Dedicated to GOD
thank you for giving me………….


Pater Patriae.wav

O Quieta Non Movere
Dura Patientia Frango
Homines Sumus Non Dei
O Valete
Curae Mortales
Communicantes Et Diem
Sacratissimum Celebrantes
Consilio Melius Vincas Quam Iracum
Iracum Dia

Another child was born
Fighting silently against the storm
On tender wings of fate
It was sent from way above to show us love
Before it is too late

Sed Libera Nos A Malo
Puro Pecto
Puro Pectore
O Lapis Philosophorum
O Sisyphi Saxum Versare
Facta Viam Invenient
Deus Fera Corda Domans
Serva Me Servabo Te

All your fears have died
And the darkness turned into the light
The child of innocence
Taught you how to win the game and reach your aim
´cause patience is the name

O Pia Anima
Philosophia Pellit Timores Pia Anima
O Patientia Animi Occultas
Divitas Habet



6 Replies to “Patience”

  1. Eve,God has kept you in his sight,Banishing Sorrow to the night.God has sent you Blessed Peace,Sign of Redemption and release. He has touched you with his Word,His quiet voice within you, heard.God protects you, by his power,Angels guard your Soul this hour.God will be with you, always throughYour life,the days ahead of you. Lovelokutus(ever your friend)

  2. HI L,Yes, God has given me so much it’s just my short vision that did’nt see it at the time..Now my eyes are open and I will do my best to walk on the path that is in front of light and love,Eve

  3. Este mensaje me ha recordado una oración famosa escrita por San Teresa de Ávila:Nada te turbe, nada te espante;todo se pasa; Dios no se muda,la paciencia todo lo alcanza.Quien a Dios tiene, nada le falta.Solo Dios basta.–Teresa de Avila (1515-1582)”la paciencia todo lo alcanza” es una frase que se convirtió, con el transcurrir de los siglos, en un refrán popular… si bien a mí me gusta especialmente el principio: “nada te turbe, nada te espante…”, porque todo tiene su fin y nada malo tiene una duración eterna (“todo se pasa”).Un fraternal abrazo.Tr mach:This message has remembered a famous sentence written by San Teresa of Ávila:Anything upsets you, anything frightens you;everything spends; God doesn’t move,the patience all it reaches it.Who has to God, he lacks anything.Single God is enough.–Teresa from Avila (1515-1582)”the patience all it reaches” it it is a sentence that became, with lapsing of the centuries, in a popular proverb… although I like the principle especially: “anything upsets you, anything frightens you… “, because everything has their end and anything bad has an eternal duration (“everything spends”).A fraternal hug.

  4. Hey Eve, sorry I haven’t been around lately. Crazy here, major money issues but that’s always the way right 😉 Still try to keep up with your bloggy though 🙂

  5. Hi On’an,You are so right and as always right to the point.. I know now Patience is a valuable asset in ones life.with love,Eve

  6. HI Gost,Thank you for reading and I have been reading your blog too sorry to hear about the money problems I know how hard it is to live in another country and not work.keep thinking good thoughts God will deliever.HugsEve

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