I want to publicly thank JoniMueller
for creating and helping me complete my new blog settings.
I asked for advice and ended up spending my Christmas with someone who also gives from her heart. 🙂
I can't say enough for Joni and her patience and expertise is a gift to me as well as her creativity.
Please visit her blog and learn how you too can create a personal space which fits your blog..
Thank you my new friend Joni. If there is anything ever you need from me please ask..
Your wish is my command.
Thank you for making my Christmas a better one!
Your new friend,
You are very welcome! To tell you the truth, I had had another request for help earlier today. But it was rude and demanding. Guess what? It got ignored. Nice begets nice! Have a wonderful Christmas. Now, I’m off to clean up my kitchen. (When I cook up a storm, I literally cook up a STORM, baby!) J 😉
Thank you for taking the time, my friend JCL told me in a Christmas email that the love I sprinkle here on O will come back to me and I think what you did today for me was just this :)Enjoy your day and God Bless you .Eve