The journey continues
Marie_Brennan_Whisper the word
Follow The Word
Follow the word
Follow the hope
Follow the dream
Willing to meet
Willing to go
Willing to share
Still gray skies will turn to blue
Under this banner of hope
Hidden stories on winding roads
I trust Your ways
Is Tú mo DhiaYou are my God
Is Tú tá lán
Do ghrá inniú domhI receive Your love this day
Is Tú mo DhiaYou are my God
Is Tú tá lán
Do ghrá inniú domhI receive Your love this day
Follow the word, your action
Follow the hope, your vision
Follow the dream you gave to me
Willing to meet the answer
Willing to go the journey
Willing to share my love for You
You sent from the heavens all that's precious from above
Your breath from the heavens, I will cherish all your love
You sent from the heavens all that's precious from above
Your breath from the heavens, I will cherish all your love
Sailing out in gathered haze
Calling gently a new way
This banner of hope
Is Tú mo DhiaYou are my God
Is Tú tá lán
Do ghrá inniú domhI receive Your love this day
Is Tú mo DhiaYou are my God
Is Tú tá lán
Do ghrá inniú domhI receive Your love this day
With HOPE and Love
HI Ken,I am always around just speak my name and I will appear :)the words are Gaelic I think since she is Irish.thanks for enjoying my efforts.Eve
I’m traveling this road from no-where to some-where and I think I saw you, Eve! Thanks for the words. Are some of those Portugese?
Adagio para cuerdas y órganoAlbinoni (1671-1751)Recitación: OnánOriginal en latín:3:1 omnia tempus habent et suis spatiis transeunt universa sub caelo3:2 tempus nascendi et tempus moriendi tempus plantandi et tempus evellendi quod plantatum est3:3 tempus occidendi et tempus sanandi tempus destruendi et tempus aedificandi3:4 tempus flendi et tempus ridendi tempus plangendi et tempus saltandi3:5 tempus spargendi lapides et tempus colligendi tempus amplexandi et tempus longe fieri a complexibus3:6 tempus adquirendi et tempus perdendi tempus custodiendi et tempus abiciendi3:7 tempus scindendi et tempus consuendi tempus tacendi et tempus loquendi3:8 tempus dilectionis et tempus odii tempus belli et tempus pacisTraducción al español:3:1 Todo tiene su momento y todo cuanto se hace debajo del sol tiene su tiempo.3:2 Hay tiempo de nacer y tiempo de morir; tiempo de plantar y tiempo de arrancar lo plantado;3:3 tiempo de matar y tiempo de curar; tiempo de destruir y tiempo de edificar;3:4 tiempo de llorar y tiempo de reir; tiempo de lamentarse y tiempo de danzar;3:5 tiempo de esparcir las piedras y tiempo de amontonarlas; tiempo de abrazarse y tiempo de separarse;3:6 tiempo de buscar y tiempo de perder; tiempo de guardar y tiempo de tirar;3:7 tiempo de rasgar y tiempo de coser; tiempo de callar y tiempo de hablar;3:8 tiempo de amar y tiempo de odiar; tiempo de guerra y tiempo de paz.Translation to English:3:1 For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:3:2 a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;3:3 a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;3:4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;3:5 a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;3:6 a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;3:7 a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;3:8 a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.
La verdad es que lo maravilloso no está sino en el corazón de quienlee o de quien mira…:)The truth is that the wonderful thing is not but in the heart of who reads orof who looks…:)
My On’anIt’s wonderful and really goes well :)It’s here to stay and words to live by.with Love Eve
Hi Eve,Nice song and words. It’s great to receive love from our Creator (and your fellow humans also) 🙂 He provided us with so many gifts here on Earth (love, friendship, food, etc.) that we may never fully know all of them. Just thankful for the blessings that we have. Keep up the good posts Eve :up:Hugs,Marcus
On’anYou are so right it’s the one who sees it :):-*Eve
HI Marcus,I am really happy you enjoy my posts and music, you are so right in your statement about having so much from God and so thankful I am for sure.We are only here on Earth for a short time and all our efforts should be for the end result our final destination.Thank you again Marcus your loyality to my blog is an honor.LoveEve