Dedicated to all those I love here in Opera land and
who has given me support and unconditional love.
I have found the most wonderful people I have ever met dwelling right here in Opera Land.
Never have I encountered such loving and giving people as I have since being a member of the Opera community. YOU have DELIVERED me out of my sadness and placed me into the LIGHT..
I am blessed and I thank God each day for the blessings of my loved ones here in Opera and for the giving hearts and dedicated souls who stretch out their hands in friendship to strangers at first and friends in the end.
Paths lead us in mysterious directions and paths cross each others for reasons not of ours, but of Gods and he is the master planner of all the crossroads and paths that cross. We follow the lead and continue on our journeys.
My life is much fuller and more stable now due to all of you who uplifted me with words of comfort and arms that are so strong they crush me, and with words that overflow my heart on a daily basis and fill my empty heart with a GLOW so hot it hurts but a good hurt..
I will never forget anyone of you not for one second in my day as I go about my day I count my blessings and offer thanks to God for sharing all of you with me..
I do love you and thank you for being a part of my life never go so far that a click won't bring you close.
with so much love
a perfect post eve. gratitude is certainly a you are living in a positive attitude and i commend you for sharing it with us.too often we all are wont to complain of the thorns and razorgrass we encounter in our lives instead of counting our blessings.
HI Scott,I appreciate your reply and thank you for knowing me well enough to state this.Without thorns we wouldn’t appreciate the rose :)still counting loveEve
Mi querida amiga, es emocionante leer tus palabras de agradecimiento… y de amor. Porque esa luz de la que hablas es la luz del amor. Tú, como todos nosotros, necesitas amor para escapar de las penas de la soledad. Porque la soledad comienza cuando el brillo de la esperanza desaparece; la soledad comienza en el instante que vemos al amor alejarse… pero la soledad es transitoria, porque siempre tendremos un ángel a nuestro lado que nos soplará nuevos aires de amor… porque el amor es la constante de la vida, es el anhelo de vivir, y mientras Dios sostenga nuestras vidas y nosotros nos aferremos a ellas, la soledad y su tristeza no pueden perdurar… como la oscuridad desaparece con la simple llama de una candela, el dolor de la soledad desaparece con un simple roce de amor…Tú recibes mucho amor de los demás… pero todos también recibimos mucho amor de ti. Es por eso que aprovecho este mensaje para darte las gracias por el generoso amor con el que recibes a tus amigos del alma, entre los cuales yo me incluyo.Tu incondicional amigo, Onán.
Hello My On’an,I was inspired to write this post and I feel one can never give enough thanks to those whom deserve it.Thank you for your kind words and your light.with loveEve
Hi Eve, Scott is definetely on the money. Many times in our lives, we are too quick to count the thorns & not the blessings. I know I have been guilty of this many times myself. I’m sure you may have detected this in me before, but your friendship is like a shining light :star: in the darkness 🙂 I’m glad that OperaLand has people such as yourself here.Love & hugs,Marcus
HI Marcus, as I said your words inspired me to write this and I thank you for this.Thank you again for your kind words and this is what I mean, they uplift me to do more and give more..always looking for the light not the darknesslove Eve
Hi dear Eve!Just a few words.I happened to meet you on the net. But I don’t believe in the accidents…just in God. And you are an Angel…an angel from Opera Land.With love,:angel:G.:star: :cool:(Apropos: this Opera Land is the very best idea! Congrats for it!)
Eve,I would second what On’an said, at least the parts I understood–too many decades since I took Spanish!:( I have received so much loving support from you that it is difficult to imagine you received as much from me. As I explore OperaLand, one name recurs on everyone’s friends list: Eve/Zenya. And with reason–you search us out, you welcome us, you lift us up before we even raise our arms to do the same, you explode with love for us…how can we not return it?Pilchbo
HI Ken,I thank you for your words and your feelings of appreication towards me. I am inspired by all my friends and when the inspiration hits me I write weather it be in my words or the words of a song that I cherrish or thru pictures or all of the above.I do welcome or try to welcome all the new comers since I know first hand what Operaland has done for me.. I wish it for everyone.Love Eve
Eve…Its been a pleasure to know you, remember your wounds is our wounds..Thanks for your thoughts and feelings… you are a real treasure…!
HI Gyula,Thank you always for your blessing of friendship and I believe there are no accidents only chances and we take them :)I am happy to see you words again I have missed you here in Opera land.LoveEve
HI Q,The pleasure is mine also, friends like yourself constantly offer your hand in friendship and support, not to mention blogging :)Thank you for always posting :)LoveEve
I love this post and you deserve the best Eve, the best friends, the best music, the happiest of happiness. We love you as well, you are the most supporting person that I know in “opera land” and it is wonderful knowing you and being your friend.Love, Sarah
Hello Sweet Sarah,Thank you always for being there for me and listening and reading and feeling what I feel.You are my Sweet Sarah and I do love you as you know :)We all deserve the best that life has to offer sometimes we just don’t know how to give it to ourselves :(Love you,Eve
Hi EveI just wanted to say: DITTO!I think one of the things that makes you such a great friend is the harmonious uniformity and agreement that you have with so many of the people on Opera. You always have a comment to make and a kind word to say and it really does make such a difference! You are always there for people and I think that is what makes you such a great friend to have 🙂 And I hope you feel that we are there for you in the same way. Love,JCL.
HI JCL,Thank you for your kind comments and I do try to be a friend to all and be here for those who might need a friend.I do believe that you and my other OperaLand friends are a great support to me and your other friends on Opera.. I try to give what I would like to have .. kindness and compassion and love :)I get this from all my friends, I couldn’t ask for more.LoveEve