Oil and our useage

I would like to thank Soheil for his post
which I invited him to do. I hope he will continue to enlighten us .

Our useage of oil is non-replenisable and until we keep this in our conscious more oil
will be used unnecessarily.

In the future these photos will be just bare sands not working oil wells since the "Black Gold"
is being sucked out of our earth daily and there is not any way for it to be put back.

I hope all my readers will go check out his page and keep in mind that he is just a man working in the oil industry and who has better knowledge of the oil industry then we do.

I have a car however, I walk to work as much as I can cut down on my consumption and also to get my exercise and enjoy what God has given us to enjoy.. Nature.. the smells, sounds, and sights as I walk to work, it's a great way to start my day..

In Love and Light,

2 Replies to “Oil and our useage”

  1. A very important post 🙂 I almost hope I live to see the day when the “civilized” world comes up short on oil, and everyone realizes the stupidity of driving gigantic SUVs that get 0.002mpg (with nobody and nothing in them), constantly consuming and throwing away plastics, etc. Of course, I do my share of un-earth friendly consuming, but I do my best to keep it to a minimum… One can only do so much as a poor student in a very wasteful society.What will really be unfortunate is the unforeseen consequences of running out of a resource like oil – we rely on petroleum for a lot of things besides powering retardedly large vehicles. I hate to imagine how people will suffer because they can’t get medical care or other aid, because our short-sighted and ravenous consumption of oil has made it impossible to manufacture certain materials and medicines. God only knows what natural resource we’ll plunder from the earth, then.In my darker moments, I often wish that humanity would just be wiped out, so the rest of the planet could be spared our “intelligence.” 🙂 I’ll be selfish and hope that wish comes true AFTER I and my loved ones have safely departed for whatever world lies after this one…

  2. HI Thomas,Thank you so much for your great words and feelings on this subject. You are so well spoken and kind hearted I love reading your thoughts and seeing the light that comes from your mind..I wish all this too Thomas, however until all of humanity uses a bike like you do or a scooter 🙂 Oil will be wasted :(Thanks for posting and sharing your heart..Love,Eve

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