Celtic Dream

I find this music to be so magical and dreamy that you can feel the Celtic lore flowing
from the music into your heart.
Lord Of The Dance – Celtic Dream.wav
Celtic Dream music from, "Lord of the Dance."

I find the subject of dreams to be a hard one to discuss.
It seems so many run from the topic and many don't believe that our dreams
are sometimes visions of the future.

I have been blessed to see many times the future in my life and loved ones. Sometimes
these dreams can be life saving and also showing the truth as it should be seen not
as we would like it to be.

I am of Irish descant and from what I have been told many Celtic hearted people have such
dreams, visions, interpretations and I for one have had many here in USA and also Egypt.
For this reason I named by blogg .. "Desert Dreams.. Where Dreams Do Come True"…
They did come true in Egypt and here in USA.
Dreams that have shaped my thinking and life. Dreams I can't forget nor do I want to ..
Gifts from God I feel, how special is this when it happens ? Yet so many people won't talk
about the meanings of dreams or their dreams .

Dreams of my children before they were born, dreams of my cats before I found them, dreams of comfort in my decissions which released my fears. These are Gifts and ones I won't ignore.

Why close your eyes to what could be a great gift? I always have mine open and ready to see as much as I can in sleep and awake..

What's inside your dreams ?

Still Dreaming


16 Replies to “Celtic Dream”

  1. HI JCL,Wow your dreams are full of action,, they say drowning is a symbol for like being over worked or to much responsiblities. I don’t know about your father being a ghost, you had some interesting dreams and I don’t think you closed any doors ..Remember I told you when you turned 30 the doors will open with answers that you had questions in the back of your mind ? This will come in time.. Thank you for sharing your dreams with me and maybe someone who reads this will come up with the answers about your Mom and Father part.LoveEve

  2. Hi EveI always believed that dreams have special meaning and back in the day when I used to sleep a lot I had the kind of dreams that seemed to be filled with hidden meaning and symbolism. These days my dreams seem to be somewhat prosaic. But I guess I don’t get to sleep that much anymore :)I used to have many strange and wonderful dreams, like I once dreamt that my mother wasn’t really my mother and that she was entrusted to care of me, or the one where my father from the future was walking around the house like a ghost that only I could see. I also used to dream of drowning – always the overpowering sea – and I would wake up gasping for air. There are some dreams I don’t miss but I always wonder if maybe I haven’t lost something or given something up – like my mind has closed certain doors?JCL.

  3. Hi Eve,Nice relaxing music that goes well with your words and the pics. A friend of mine said that sometimes her dreams were like premonitions. She would dream about something (good or bad) happenenning to her, or someone she knew, then soon what she dreamed about would happen. I had never put much stock into dreams, but maybe I was wrong. Perhaps these dreams can teach me more than I had previously thought. Well, guess it’s good to keep an open mind. I’m learning something new everyday.Love,Marcus

  4. Dreams are so deep and complicated, like each human that walks the earth. We are all deep wells of secrets and emmotions, and dreams, I think, are a way of our mind really being able to let go and “talk” to us. Sometimes we remember them and sometimes not. Have you ever heard of dream sharing? I have done that a couple of times. I have had the same dream that my husband had years earlier and also shared a dream with my mother. It is the stangest thing to talk to someone about your dream and have them say, “Hey, that is what I dreamed!” The dream that my mother had, was she was in a big old house, it was so broken and had many rooms and doors, a confusing hallway. The floors were wood. The house was also full of many older people wondering around (whom later we discussed as being past family members) but there was one women there that was trying to help her out. The dream I had, (the same night) was I was in an old house, same description as the one above. But, I saw a little girl lost in the hallway. I was trying to help her, took her by her hand and was trying to lead her out of the scary house. We figured that she was probley the little girl and I was the one trying to help her. I found it so interesting that she was the little girl, maybe it says something about our relationship. The one that my husband and I shared was an outlook on our future. Was crazy and colorful, full of clowns, and laughter. Before my daughters were even born we both saw them in this same dream. They were dressed as clowns peering into the 2nd story window of an apartment building. NOW that is weird, so you know someone would remember that! LOL.Sorry I am going on so much but I love this subject. Love,Sarah

  5. I, for one, am convinced that dreams hold profound informations. I have experienced that over and over again. I often have the feeling, that a dream has been “knocking on my door”, like it wanted to make me aware – or maybe warn me.I have never foreseen my future, though.May I draw your attention to a previous post of mine, where this subject is being touched?http://my.opera.com/ricewood/blog/show.dml/126325Which also made me think of the fact that I, and others, often experience dreams sort of “slipping away” right after awakening. I wonder wether this is a sign that some dreams shouldn´t be touched by the somewhat unsensitive hands of analysis. Maybe they are meant to do their job hidden – in the background?

  6. HI Marcus,I am happy you are starting to open your mind to differnt ways of thinking, it’s a grown process and will also evolve you into a great man and with a wide range of views and feeling from the heart.Thank you for encouraging me to post about my dreams, I am hoping all can feel how they do guide us in our lives and also see theirs being the same.LoveEve

  7. HI Sarah,Yes I have done dream sharing myself, with Mohamed, we both dreamed of our marraige before we even met in real life. 🙂 It was the same dream on the same night, it’s magical when this happens.I find that when you are spiritually connected to someone you can have many dream sharings, the mind is a wonderful medium. Your dreams sound really great and so full of information. I hope you do look deeper into their meanings and heed any signs of trouble.Thank you for sharing your dreams and feelings.LoveEve

  8. HI Ricewood,Thank you for reading and posting in my blog I have never seen a post from you before I find it an honor, thank you.I took a look at your posting about dreams, and I feel this dream you had was you going higher either in your spirit or your intelligence on a higher level.the way we wake up reflects if we remember our dreams or not.. I have such vivid dreams however, the cat wakes me up I lose the memory of these dreams and this cat starts my day off wrong :(I have had dreams that warned me of events to come and which happened and because I recalled this dream I did not get harmed.. I thank God for all the signs I have been given from a young age and I continue to receive in my golden years.Thank you again for stopping and commenting.Eve

  9. Hi,I really wanna thank you for al that beautiful music and pictures.it’s extactely the kind I like. I really think that dreams are very special. It will make you something very clear. love,

  10. HI Lola18x.Thank you for reading and feeling what comes from my heart. I try my best for the greatest photos to match the words and my feelings as well.Dreams are so very special and I hope you listen to yours :)LoveEve

  11. Hi Eve :]i need some help on this.some insight before reading,i was recently on drugs, 1 week ago. but i stopd and getting help from a friends mom. Krystins mom and im starting to hang out wiht Krystin. sooo:this was a dream i had on 10/5/06 (thursday). this dream was about me (corey) and Krystin. This is all i can remember: So i was in the back of the police car, with both of the back windows broken.. from me of course and we were driving on some sort of freeway where this building that seemed to be a hospitle was super close, so some how i hopped out of the car onto the building, i slid a window open and i was in.. i then went down stairs to find out that i was in a mall next, with many cops chasing after me. i tried to get to the bottom floor because being in a mall is just being dead meat. as i got to the parking lot,there i come to realize, i see Krystin standing in front of her car waiting for me. i hop in as quickly as i can, and we speed out of there. She saved me from the police, i will never forget that. as we are driving out of the parking lot 5-6 cop cars are coming in, i duck my head down for them not to see me, and we head off to the free-way.im scared, but im so happy that she came to save me, i love her for that. as we are driving, house pass and i read one of the signs which randomly says. “now entering Massachettes”, and i was like wtf!!? any way the sky has gotten darker, and the trees have gotten lighter, like brighter with sNOW, it was somewhat snowing and i remember seeing treees with snow on it, and i thought it was soo cool. we got to the point of so much snow, that we couldnt drive any more. so we parked the car, and we started walking. it was snowing and freezing and it was beautiful. i held krystin’s hand with my left to her right. as we walked down the freeway with no cars, just us as the snow fell i was happy.i was happy that i was with her, and i couldnt of asked for anything more.* The Same Day*I go up to her at snack time, and i tell her i had a dream about her, she said the same thing.. you was a big part of her dream.i told her my dream and she said omg. i had the same dream!We Both Had The Same Dream… at the same time of the night.what does this mean?3 Corey :]

  12. HI Corey,thank you for trusting me with your dream and coming to me for advice.If it’s true she did have the same dream then it means she is the key to ending your problems with addictions if you have any. She too could be the problem for you having them as well if she did not have the same dream. I see your dream in this way.. You were in the police car due to being troubled, the police are heros who save people. You jumped into a hospital window which shows me that you do want help however, this girl seems to be pulling you away from the help you are seeking so you went to the mall and found her waiting for you outside in her car. Her and her car are the means of escaping … escaping is the drugs or drinking part of your problems. Her and her car can also mean she is the hand guiding you out of your darkness. You driving towards Massachuttes means you are running away from the current location you are in and the snow means coldness and desolation of being alone .. you and Kristy which can mean she is the one to help you or the one that is the route of your problems.I would if I were you hold this dream in your mind and use it as a guide. like a light on a path that will help you on your journey to a new beginging and a better life.I don’t know the situation you are in now however, this dream is a sign of new begingings for you and a choice of paths you must take. Ask her about the dream more to see if she really did dream it .. if she did then she is your help . It’s very important to know. This is the key … TRUST.. but only really trust GOD.. I am not a bible thumper or a devout Muslim.. I do believe in God and the power he gives to us to use and all the answers lay inside us we just have to dig deep for them and believe in his kindness and forgiveness and allow him to give us patience.We have free will and it’s up to use to choose wisely or we end up in deep problems.We are given dreams like promos to our future and most people ignore them and figure they are just dreams and not signs . I believe and have been proven to me they are real and they are signs. please let me know how things are going for you and if you have any more dreams of this kind sometimes the dreams continue or repeat themselves. thank you again for trusting me .. I am only stating to you my opinon from my experience.Fatimah

  13. Thank you Fatimah for taking your time to respond. I do believe she is my help, i do not think that she is taking me to the path of destruction, i personally think that she is perfect, but thats my opinion and that only relates to me. I think she can take me to a new place, not running away, but showing me a new life, a new path to take a better life some would say. So far it has been great, there are some signs that had happened in the past week or so. If its alright i would like to share them:As i recall, last friday, we had this thingy for all the students at lunch, where we took pictures, and at the end of lunch i asked if i can get a special picture with krystin myself and her friend. and these cameras happen to be the old cameras. where the picture came out of the camera it self, so as the picture was taken i went to grab it, and strangly it droped it. As i picked it up, i saw something as the looks of it a stain in a form of a heart. im not relating to what it looked like. it WAS a heart, and where it was placed was half on her leg, and half on mine. which i thought was soo odd. so there was the dream..the picture..and maybe they will keep coming, im not sure wehat this is telling me or showing me on what i should or shouldnt do. but i believe that i was ment for her, i dont know this is just me thinkging. or i could just be falling for this girl, because of she is nice to me.her birthday is also 2 days after mine. me-nov.30|her-dec.2 but i am 1 year older then her.thank you again Fatimah for taking your time to read and respond.Corey

  14. HI Corey,I am really happy you are looking deeper into each movement you are making it’s very important to keep your mind focused and keep searching for the answers this is so postitive.You are on the right path now of recovery and maybe you are transferring your dependancy for drugs for your dependancy for Kristan also.. We who are dependant personalities tend to do this 🙁 I was also and we have to learn that all the powerthat God gives to us is right inside our hearts .. all of it.Stay close to Kristan however, don’t put all your faith into her to be your 100 percenthelp as the help lays inside you she is only a small part of your recovery .. This is where others fall backwards when they depend on another to be cured and not themselves they fall backwards when the person they depended on leaves them .I would hate to hear you did this and you can avoid this by realizing now that she is only an aide to you in recovery not the main focus. I wish you so much happiness with Kristan and I do hope she treats you well. Please keep me posted as I do enjoy hearing progress reports and happy stories.Fatimah

  15. Thank you once again Fatimah for taking your time to respond.I do believe that you are right about the addicting personalities, which u did make me realize i somewhat am. I will start to focus on myself more then pleaseing her, which im starting to do. She is an aid to help and guide me, and i mus’nt think that or depend on her. But other people tell me, tell her how you feel, because you are going to live your life regreting something you never did, when you sure as hell had the chance to, but im also thinking, if i do tell her how i feel there could be a possible chance that she doesnt feel the same way, and this could also possibly ruin the friendship, which i would never want to happen. There is some advice i need on that subject. Because i truly think that she is the most beautiful girl i’ve seen, but enough of that. I am going to the gym with her tonight so maybe a sign will appear there? :]thank you again for keeping in touchCorey

  16. HI Corey,I have found that expressing from your heart to anyone is the best policy. just tell her how you feel but don’t put the pressure on her as your aide.. she will run faster than you can believe.. Just tell her how much you appreicate her and how much you enjoy her company and you are hoping to be with her for a long time as a friend and MAYBE more :)You can ask her also how she feels about you since she might only like you for a friend and not a boyfriend and then you will be hurt and maybe revert ? One step at a time . one foot in front of the other .. don’t rush and patience is needed now. As time goes by your vision will be so clear and your heart will become pure again and you will look back and say why did I think I needed to be high? But that;s ok .. you did what you did and thats history you dont’ need to rehash it again.. Try not to keep looking for signs too you will become dissapointed in not finding any and then become sad again.. Just keep your minds eye open and be willing to receive and you will have the blessings of visions and dreams and flowing thoughts of peace and goodness forever. Fill your mind with good things. music . reading . good tv shows good movies . what goes in you molds your thinking. Keep intouch and I am here for you holding your hand as well .In love and Light Fatimah

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