Second in the series of Cusco Album..
The Crusades were an important part of Islam,
although they didn't start out as Muslims
at the end of their occupation they became Muslims.
What they fought against, they surrended into.
Jonathan Riley-Smith, a leading modern scholar of the Crusades (Note), states that, "A crusade was a holy war fought against those perceived to be external or internal foes of Christendom for the recovery of Christian property or in defence [sic] of the Church or Christian people" (The Crusades: A Short History, xxviii). This is, perhaps, the best general definition of a crusade that one can arrive at, for scholars disagree about the exact nature of what made a crusade, a crusade. Although crusades took place in different geographic locations and at different times, there are certain aspects that define a crusade.
The first aspect is the idea of "holy violence," which also plays largely into the Military Orders. In the Middle Ages, violence was considered morally neutral, only taking on aspects of good or evil according to the intent for which it was used. Retaking the Holy Land and defending Christian property and peoples was considered a just and noble cause. Because they were fighting for a just cause crusaders could rationalize violence in the name of God. Another aspect of the crusade was that it was an action officially called and legitimized by the pope who spoke for Christ. In addition, an indulgence of some sort was typically granted to those who participated. And, those who participated or supported the endeavor would be allowed special privileges (exemption from local laws, protection of property while away, etc.). Finally, a crusade would involve the participants taking a vow, similar to that of pilgrims and monks.
The time span encompassed by the Crusades as a movement is somewhat dependent upon the scholar consulted and the theater of warfare. Almost all scholars agree that the crusading movement began in March 1095 when Pope Urban II called for a war of liberation in the Holy Land. However, depending on the theater of war, the finale of the Crusades is a matter of discussion among various scholars. It is important to remember that crusades were not fought only in the Middle East, but also in Spain, France, Italy, Africa, and some of the Germanic and Slavic states. Crusades to the Middle East are typically seen as ending in 1291 with the fall of Acre. Indeed, after 1291, crusading as a mass movement had ended. But there continue to be a number of smaller crusades which took place. For instance, there were crusades called against heretical groups like the Albigensians and the Hussites, against the Moors in Spain, and against the pagans in the Baltic. In addition, the pope would eventually call crusades against his political enemies. In a larger sense then, the crusades lasted well into the eighteenth century.
There are numerous general overviews on the Crusades. However, because the Crusades lend themselves to easily romantic ideals, one must be careful that one is reading a scholarly, and not a popular, work. Less common are books on the individual crusades themselves (The First Crusade, The Childrenβs Crusade, The Albigensian Crusade, etc.) although there does appear to be at least one text written about each of the major crusades. In addition, researchers will also find that there are several biographical works concerning important individuals of the Crusades available for use.
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Posted with love for history, music, life.
Hi Eve,I like this kind of music and I like the history, we really don’t know what and who everything is come.In LoveTruusK
Hi Truus,Happy to hear from you and to know this kind of post is to your liking π This music on the album is all differnt and really inspiring .Thank you for reading and enjoying.LoveEve
Hi dear Eve!I know this time period of the Middle Ages less than the others, but I mean it has been a very interesting era of the human culture and history.Love,G.
HI Gyula,It’s so interesting this era since there was so much invasions and the history behind the Crusaders and their horrible actions and at the end of many slaughters of Muslims they mostly all turned to Islam in the end.We can all learn from the past actions to see how our future might take its turn, this is one reason why I am posting this CD.. I really do believe a turn for the worse will be upon all soon. π loveEve
Hi EveThis is so strange because I have been reading about Pope Urban II in a science fiction book called “The Rise of Endymion”. And now I see you have it in your post – it has to be synchronicity :)There were a lot of political machinations behind the Crusades – and I think that it became a convenient cover for the greed and selfishness of the people in charge. Well, it has been several centuries later and the situation sounds pretty much the same. Except instead of the message of Christ we have the message of Democracy and Freedom. As if.Thanks for a very interesting post :)Love,JCL.
Hi Eve,Some interesting info about the Crusades. Some people view them as a grab for land, money, and power by the Catholic Church. Many people died unfortunately π I think that religion was just used as a cover for the many atrocities that were committed. JCL seems to have it right. Hopefully, people have learned lessons from the Crusades. History can teach us, if we are open to learning.Love,Marcus
HI Marcus,Yes it was a cover up as well and greed and power.. and JCL is correct in this statement too and great to see he is reading about it now at the time of my posting.LoveEve
HI JCL,Yes this is the fact of reasoning behind the invasions for greed and gathering of the lands to make them more powerful.I am glad to help your reading π It wonderful to be in sync again.Missed seeing you too.LoveEve
Hi im new on here and this is one of my favorite topics to learn about. I began reading a book called “Deus Lo Volt” and it really intrigued me to further my research on the crusades, so i signed up for it as a project at school. I really need some interesting facts that cant just easily be googled. if anyone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated.Much thanks,~Xilonen (she-loe-nehn) (most have trouble pronouncing it)
HI Xilo,Thank you for commenting on this post and for looking for more information.I am sure there are many sites full of information on the net. YOu have to use the proper search words to gain the information you are looking for.Also the Microsoft encarta might help you on the MS web site.Encyclopedia also is available online Good luck and thank you for your visitFati
Hey Fati/Eve (ive seen that too),Thanks for the reccomendation about M. encarta it actually worked out pretty well. i was able to find some people on here to help me with some key words. This is a really usefull site. And just as an FYI my professor gace me a 92 on my project. thnx again!~Xilonen
Hey π Congrats I am so happy you found the information you needed, the net is FULL of info for any subject and the more key words you use the better results you will find.Congrats and keep up the good work let me know if you need any more help :love:Fati