Illuminated Prayer

I am the SPIRIT part of a new blog.
I wish to invite you to experience a new format as long as we all do our part to post.

Get ready for some ENLIGHTENMENTS .

This is from my most favorite book of RUMI..
Illuminated Prayer

Like the ground turning green in a spring wind.
Like birdsong begining inside the egg.

Like this universe coming into existence,
the lovers wakes and whirls in a dancing joy
then knees down in praise… RUMI

For more information click HERE


aka.. Eve

2 Replies to “Illuminated Prayer”

  1. So, Fatimah,How appropriate this poem of Rumi’s, one of his that emphasizes the love affair of God and worshipper….I’ve noticed a different tone to your blogs over the past three months. Now they “reach out” more. And then you tell me that the world/God has reached out to you with the landing of more secure employment! How wonderful!!:up:May God Bless and Keep YouKen

  2. HI Ken,I thank you for your kind words and your vision.. I have been insprired from the most Godly man and with his inpiration and guidance I have evolved higher and with Gods help I will continue to go higher.Who said a MUSE is only a woman? :)This is an on going arguement between my muse and me being his muse :)Thank you for enjoying and feelingLoveEve

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