Believe it … or NOT

Hi all,

I am a bit tired tonight so I won't be doing a long posting and Gyula likes to hear my voice
once in a while so here is my voice tonight only .

I have been sick which you all are aware of and I have been working thru this illness and trying to do my best in keeping my check book and my bills paid and other things as normal as I can with this bad cold and tiredness.

I went to buy gas the other day and they refused my ATM card I was upset not understanding why since my book in my account stated I had more than enough money for this gas.

I paid with cash and went back home to check my bank account online.. as I entered my account I noticed there was so many in RED !!!!

I couldnt understand why all these red entries???? so I went up to the bank and asked for a print out of my bank account for the past month and then I went to talk to the manager of the branch of the bank to see if she can reverse the fees due to the low account.

She looked up my history and noticed I never had this account being low in funds and she credited me back my fees for the insufficient funds.

I explained to her I have been sick and maybe my calculations are off I wasn't sure but mostly I am correct in my math.

AS I looked over my deposits I noticed one that I mailed to the bank was not entered on my printout the girl just gave me ..I stated to the manager now I know why the account is low in funds the one I mailed was not deposited into my account and I mailed it a week ago..

Her reply was….. .


Due to them being short staffed no one went to pick up the mail at the post office and this was Friday I was at the bank and my check was in the Post office since Monday of the same week..

How can a business especially a bank NOT GO TO THE POST OFFICE?????????

I can tell you now she did go on Saturday and my check was deposited that very same day and now my checking account is in the BLACK AGAIN 🙂

So you see why I named this post … BELIEVE IT OR NOT?

Love to all,
Eve … who is back in the BLACK

11 Replies to “Believe it … or NOT”

  1. OMG! These people are just plain incompetent. Change banks immediately. Is mail not delivered? Everyone, including businesses, has to go to the post office to pick up their mail???

  2. What? in jolly Blighty we have a bank called Hsbc. they recently posted profits for thr year of…eleven BILLION pounds! £11,000,000,000! as we struggle by, banks happily fleece us and boast about it! i’m glad your feeling better and resolved your bank issues. lol Q.

  3. Haha wow, that is crazy. I’m sorry it happened to you, but it is funny if I take you out of the picture.My bank hasn’t screwed up that bad so far… They did mess up when I set up my savings account, and my initial $100 deposit vanished into the void. They corrected it quickly, though.Take care and feel better! If you don’t, I’m going to MAKE you come to China with me this summer, and we’ll get some Taoist shamans out there to fix you up good.

  4. Hi dear Eve!Believe it or not,I just wish you: be always the Blackest in the Black!With love,G.

  5. HI Eve, how’ve you been? I hope you’re feeling better now and getting over your sickness. It’s incredible what the bank’s excuse was! Anyway, lots of good things have happened to me lately and I’m channeling very hard to send some over to you!take carehungry

  6. Hi,U was not sick Eve !I’m not a specialist, but I think that this is the worst disease on earth at the moment (we’ve got the same problem in France)… I mean, it’s probably… the “Bank Flu” :DC U and have good dreams !Philippe

  7. Hi Eve,What a wonderful story 🙂 I was ROFL about “WE DIDN”T GO TO THE POST OFFICE THIS WEEK”I’m happy for you that everything is okay now.We keep in touchLoveTruus

  8. Hello Eve,Now that you’re in the black again you should blacklist this bank. (I’ve tried to make a little play on words! 😉 )Bye byeElmar

  9. HI everyone. the list is to long to name each one of you but thank you all for writing to me and offering me your support.I am feeling a bit better getting more energy back but with all my driving now in my business work and me haveing a 5 speed it takes alot of energy out of me by 3pm I am pooped :)I have been with this bank for a long time and I know they are short staffed but my God .. it’s a business and I am sure I am not the only one who mails in their pay checks or other checks.. I dont’ mail it in any more I drove up there yesterday just to make sure they got deposited in person :)You all are so caring to me thank you so much for the good wishes for my health and Hungry Ghost I am catching your offerings 🙂 Elmar I can see the play on words I loved that 🙂 Philippe.. bank flu 🙂 this was a cute one too. Thomas .. I will be well enough by the time you go to China and with me in your luggage we can;’t go wrong 🙂 I can use some Sharman healing this is a fact ! Thank you all again for the wonderful hugs I got from all your commentsLove to all,Eve

  10. Unfortunately, I can believe this very much. My wife worked for a bank (as a teller) for about two and a half years. My impression is that the criminals want to rob the banks and the criminals are running the banks. They deserve each other (if it wasn’t our money!).All of that aside, there are better banking solutions: find a credit union. I have had an account at one for twenty years and the difference between it and a bank is night and day.

  11. HI Ken,I live in a small town and the banks here are like gossip mills you get loans due to who you know and bla bla.this bank is not runned very well and the manager all she does is sit at her desk doing what I don’t know.She could have picked up the mail before going to work but OH I forgot she isn’t PUNCHED IN … it’s all about the $$$$$ not caring about their customers.I wonder how many more had their accounts screwed up? Eve

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