I have been reading some blogs of friends and non friends and I have seen many blogger using posts from others and I am sure it's without permission.
I am trying to understand why people take others postings and actually feel they will express it as their own?
I know the net is free and I too use others photos but I not once claim they are mine or I did them or took them.
I myself spend hours searching for maybe one photo to place in my blog for a certain song and then someone will come along and copy it. I don't care since I know I did my post for ME and for a few dedicated readers.
The copy cats have to deal with their own consciences not I ..
I feel I have to state my mind and to show there are people who are to lazy to find subjects and topics of their own and to do use their own minds to create a blog of beauty .
I hope if any copy cat is reading this he or she will feel guilty and maybe make the effort to create their own blog posts from THEIR HEARTS NOT FROM MINE OR OTHERS.
Spoken in caring
EVE: I write my own life and nobodie is me anymore in the world. My songs are protected under the international laws but not all my posts.If anybody wants to take it, just ask for permission.Hot rats, big cats, It seems you all guys gotta take a look into the actual scientist scene where, if you’re a pro you have to mention your sources of information. Well Something you wanna learn from the experts.Dear people, just let’s be polite as possible.ps. “Have we offended someone? “
This kind of thing has been going on as long as the Net has been around. Mostly, with bloggers, it’s not so much stealing someone’s blog entry, but stealing the “link” — because in some circles, it’s “important” who “dropped the link” first! :smile:Another disturbing thing along these lines is stealing someone’s site design. Of course, we can all try to sweep this pervasive penchant for plagiarism under the rug by arguing that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but that’s a convenient excuse, a cop-out, if you will. The worst offenders usually when it comes to wholesaie design theft? Web design shops! Geesh, if you can’t come up with an original design for yourself, how can you be expected to come up with one for your client?My life must be extremely uninteresting, as I have yet to see anyone copy a post of mine! :whistle:Personally, I think you should create another post, Eve, called “Hall of Shame” and drop links to the purloined posts there! That may be some blog traffic these blog pirates WON’T enjoy getting! But that’s just me! 😉
Thank you Sarah for your support :)Love to you
HI Joni,I know how people take from the net since I too have been on the net before the net was the net.. I also know it’s free and unrestricted and no boundries only by our own values. The people whom I am defending happen to be very dear to me in my heart and to see their own written words and photos taken without permission really bothers me. Your idea is a good one … HALL OF SHAME.. lol this would really EXPOSE them wouldn’t it? :DHugs to you Joni and your life is not uninterestingEve
HI Roger,I do give credit where it’s due in most cases however, not all.I get my photos from the net at no particular site I search for them and they show up.I am not being petty only stating that I spend hours and one time I spent days on composing my post so it’s not something I do in 5 minutes.Also when one composes a poem from their heart and someone copies and pastes it in their blog without giving credit to the originator I feel this too is theft. Like Sarah said .. it’s the ideas.. when one has to lean on anothers blog for the simple reasoning of not THINKING of their own ideas.Roger I am not speaking of people doing musical blogs, I know many have started after I have and also I am very happy to see this since my love for music is my passion and spreading music is my hobby. No one is offended . Eve
Well, I think it is “ideas” that people are stealing as well.Get your own idea’s!!Love ya,Sarah
yw 😀
Deal !!!!
Completely support Joni’s proposal to set up a Hall of Shame to expose those plagiarism conducts, which are somewhat typical examples of breaching So-called IPR if we put it more seriously. When i use others’ works, either words or pictures, i always state explicitely where they are from. It is really a shameful thing to take others’works as their own, even in blog.
Copycat bloggers…. hmmm.. let’s :eyes: see am I one?:no: I don’t think so…. 🙂 Leazz
HI Captian,Thank you for agreeing and I know YOU have original material.It really bothers me how some people can actually think others won’t see it or understand it’s not their work .. :(Thank you for your comment.Eve
Hello L,I won’t say who is an who isn’t.. Those to do it know it.Eve
:DOkay Eve, DEAL or NO DEAL? u know what 😀 i mean?
Didn’t she just say “deal!!!!” a couple of comments up, Angel?
HI Joni.Thanks for coming to my defense but Sarah and I have this joke going about deal or no deal . :)she knows how to make me laugh until I cry :)big hugs to you Eve
HI AngelI think this time I wil say DEAL !!!!!!! :Dand YOU know what I mean too 😀 😀 😀 Love you lotsEve
:DYou have made the right choice!Love always,Sarah
Interesting discussion – this copy-cat thing.I am relatively new in the wide world of blogs – so I have had to “feel” my way around in order to adapt to the etiquette – as you´ll have to do whenever you find yourself in a new place.In my opinion it is ok to be inspired by others, as long as I write about the subject from a personal point of view. It is not ok to copy/paste from others without giving credit.In my opinion it´s ok to use something another person have put on the ´net because this other person wanted the thing spread widely – without giving credit to the person by whom I saw it. He´s been taking it from someone, too. As an example I´d like to mention the “Clustr Map” thing spreading on blogs here at the moment.I have given photographs – or pictures – quite a lot of consideration. I have chosen to follow the main stream; I use pictures found on the ´net as illustrations. Photos made by myself are placed in posts tagged “photography” only. But this is a compromise, really. I don´t have a waterproof argument as to why it´s ok to copy/paste a picture from the ´Net when it´s not ok to copy/paste a text.Can anyone explain me the difference? I´d feel a little better if you could.I have never seen my things copied anywhere ever – neither photos, nor text.
Allan, almost everything created and put out there on the Net can be, and usually is, protected by copyright. Some people, however, choose to release their works under more relaxed licenses, such as open source or various types of creative commons licenses. But when it comes to images and texts and other works of creativity (including sound files, etc.) on the net, it’s best to assume they are protected by copyright.There’s also something else that causes some confusion and that is the “fair use” doctrine. This simply means that you can cite to a *portion* of someone’s work (and it’s usually a very small portion) as an example or to make a point of your own. The best place to start learning about copyright is here:http://www.templetons.com/brad/copymyths.htmland herehttp://www.templetons.com/brad/copyright.html
I will have to stop illustrating posts with pictures found via google! I suspected that to be so.Thanks Joni.
Well, everyone fudges once in awhile. Just as long as you aren’t doing it two or three times a day. And if you happen to find a photo that you like on Google, flickr, or elsewhere and you can determine who its owner is, by all means, shoot him or her an email and ASK if it’s okay. As you suspected, most people are thrilled that someone else has taken an interest in their work and are usually delighted to help when asked nicely, and also as you say, it promotes their work as well as your own. Everybody wins! And I would be willing to bet donuts to dollars that if someone had simply ASKED Eve about one of her photos, or posted in their blog what about her post that inspired them and then linked to that post, there wouldn’t be a problem on earth with it. It all boils down to common sense and courtesy!
HI all,I am not talking about photos, they are on the net and like I stated I USE THEM FROM THE NET.I don’t give reference to the owners since they are randomly chosen and also when I do find a site that has many beautiful graphics I do ask permission and many times I don’t get a reply so I use them anyway and often I do get permission and I also state where they came from.I am speaking here about written material that comes from the heart of a person and then copied and pasted by someone else and NO CREDIT to the owner of the written material .. The person uses this written material as their own to get credit to them only.Like I said the is free and not many laws confining it.. I am also saying that it’s comon courtesy to say … .where is the words from bla bla and I loved them so I am posting them also.I don’t claim these song lyrics are my words I state they are Delerium lyrics or Enyas and all I am doing is illustrating the song.I can’t be any plainer in my words to express what I have stated here in my blog. Allen it’s not about being new to the net or no sure about copy right laws its about morals and values.. Eve
Wow. This blog put the cat among the pidgeons, eh? Here’s my two cents… I have, on occassion, worried about the, to put it diplomatically, talentless, moronic, uninspired, soul-sucking leeches who would appropriate one’s work – created through no small effort – and use it as their own. Then I think, they can have it, after all they cannot steal all my ideas and thoughts. Besides, evil shows in your face eventually! Got that off my chest…thank-Q.
HI Q,I appreicate your words and thoughts however, they can and do steal your thoughts and ideas.. This is the point I am trying to express here and for some strange reason I must be speaking ARABIC Thanks for commenting and … getting it off your chest.Eve
I’m sorry, Eve, I thought I “got” your point. Theft of any work, whether it be your words, images, sounds, WHATEVER, is not only in poor taste but most often is also in violation of copyright laws. You have every right to feel hurt, betrayed and not just a little bit angry! I’m in YOUR corner, girlfriend! 🙂
Nah, man, this is great! Let’s go on and make it the most commented post ever in the OC, shall we?!
thats funny …. sure why not I am sick of it already how much more can I get? 😀
HI Joni,I really didn’t write this post so much for my sake but for a friend of mine whose work was copied and pasted into another blog .This friend of mine write beautiful poetry from the heart and depth of the soul. It really upset me to see it displayed in anothers blog and in POOR TASTE :(I know you are in my corner and I am happy to have you there. it would be like sometime taking something you created and playing like they did it themselves and not saying YOU did it.. Enough said on this subject it almost makes me sorry for writing it LOL..Hugs to you GFEve
A blog is suppose to be personal thing,correct me as I’m new to the blogger scene, what’s the points of copying other’s postings? very unKOOL
Hi Orangutan,Thank you for seeing my point of view.. I know there are kids among us here in Opera Land and if someone does not correct their bad behavoiur who will? Copying personal heart felt words to make it one’s own is shameless.Nice to see you here :)Eve
Creative Commons deed:)gh
HI GH,cool page 🙂 thanks
HI Back,You are welcome and come back any time..if you need more help YELL :)Eve
Thanks for letting me know you visited my blog..You’re is very nice & I loved the pictures.
Well, I guess it’s all been pretty much covered, but I feel I would like to weigh in as well.I can only imagine that people who copy other people’s posts and put them into a blog are extremely talentless, uninspired and lazy folks who like to just take the credit for other people’s work.While using pictures and ideas is fine, it is always just courtesy to reference a quote properly (can’t half tell I go to University at the moment) and not just blatantly plagiarise the work of others.The low-life pirates really need a kick in the arse – but the ‘net is difficult to police, so while Joni’s idea of a ‘Hall of Shame’ sounds like a great idea – are we then not just giving more infamy to those that obviously thrive on the attention?By drawing attention to them, we ultimately give these low-life losers exactly the thing they crave.It’s a catch-22, folks and as always, the good, decent, hard-working folks are ultimately the ones that suffer!Down with blog pirates!
HI IMHO.Thank you so much for your input into this subject and I agree with you totally :)I use others photos which really do justice to their work not take from it. and any one whose photos I use would be honored that I do use them.You are so right about them being lazy and uneventful in their thinking.From now on when I see a copy cat I will post it in a HALL OF SHAME :)Thanks againEve