Wolf Song

Oliver Shanti… Wolf Song

I found these words on a bookmark and they make so much sense to me.
With spring being present, I thought maybe these words and music would
inspire you also.

Wolf Song

Treat the Earth well.

It was not given to you by your parents,

It was loaned to you by your children.

We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors,

We borrow it from our children…

" Ancient Indian Proverb"

With love,

11 Replies to “Wolf Song”

  1. What a great post, Eve. I could use some tranquility and peace right about now. And that’s why I headed here!! :heart:

  2. HI Joni,I am happy I can offer you this much even though you deserve a hell of a lot more 🙂 I felt so negative from the post I did I needed a new post to flush my soul of the negativity.. I am sure you know what I mean ? Hugs of loveEve

  3. HI Dave,I am happy you stopped by for a fill up and it didn’t cost you $3.oo per gal for it too :)Thank you for your dedication and enjoying my work,.Happy Spring to you Eve

  4. HI Steven,As always I am happy I can bring comfort and peace to your day.Thanks for enjoying and always feeling.Eve

  5. HI Andreu,Native American music is very spiritual in their culture and each dance and song means something in life .. A very fascinating culture. Thank you for enjoying it as well.Eve

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