Out of the Blue

No music right now just a short note ..

I receieved an email from a girl I don't know however who found my blog through searching .

here is what she wrote to me…


Hi Eve… i came across your site at opera incidentally while i was browsing for lyrics by enya! I couldn't help but send you a message! I really enjoyed reading your work and looking at your pics! They're amazing!! Well done and keep it up!:)
You seem to have a lovely character… i wish you luck 🙂
Btw..i'm a 17 year old girl from Malta.

She did give me her name and also a few xxx 🙂 however, I won't publish it..

I just wanted to share with you how wonderful some people can be even if they don't know you or have met you in the net before..

I find that using TAGs are the best way to add your blog to the search engines and also to gain readership like this wonderful girl has found.

I have had a few others also who have found my blog through searches and become a loyal reader.

Someone recently asked about the tags and this is why I am doing this post.. to show why using them is important and more important is using the right TAG word 🙂

Have a great day all see you later, it's off to work for me 😀


6 Replies to “Out of the Blue”

  1. Eve,Thanks for the “Tag Tip” and everything she said about your blog is true. It’s just a sample that reflects your gifted touch and influence.:angel:

  2. HI Dave,thank you for your gracious words > blushing > It’s due to comments like yours and hers that inspire me to be the best I can be and “SPRINKLE” my magic where I can :)Thanks for your readershipEve

  3. It’s amazing the ability we can have — if we know how to recognize that ability and channel it — to positively affect the lives of others. Think about it, you sitting in your office here in the US and a teenage girl across the globe surfing from her room. Yet you were able to reach out and touch her heart — to the point where she was motivated to write to you and tell you so.That’s just awesome. And that adjective doesn’t do it justice. Times like these I’m grateful for the Internet and all the wonderful friends I have made through it. (And believe me, these friends are just as real, if not more so, than any friend I could have “in real life”!)

  4. HI Joni,You are so right these are the blessing I count each and every day and thank God I have friends like you and others from Opera in my life .I don’t know what I would do without you and others. I love you all,Eve

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