May 1st.. One year ago today.
I stepped off the plane at JFK not knowing it would be the last time I came back to USA as
his wife.
I know everything is for Gods good reasons however, it doesn't help in taking away the pain and confusion and forgiving myself.
I didn't only lose a husband, I lost a country and a life I had gained in Egypt.
May God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, and the knowledge to know the difference.
She's walking there alone,
No one by her side
She manages to fight the tears, but
The pain inside
She can't hide
And all the tears she's cried
The moment she closes her eyes, she starts
Thinking of you
The dreams that she had one time
Have gone away
Will they ever come true?
All she needs is: all she needs is you
And she wishes today
Was one year ago
When you cared so much for her
And loved her so
Not a doubt in her mind that it would still be you
Cause the love that you shared: it was true
You never thought about it,
What you made her feel
You promised you'd stay together,
But the hope she once had: so unreal
All she needs is:
all she needs is you
And she wishes today
Was one year ago
When you cared so much for her
And loved her so
Not a doubt in her mind that it would still be you
Cause the love that you shared: it was true
UPDATE….A year ago today, I did not have my family .. I have some of them back in my life. I did not have a car.. I now have one ..I did not have a great job as I have now,I know changes take time and patience and I am working on both.Thank you to my friends in Opera Land, I have the support I did not have…. 1 year ago today.Love to all,Eve
A very beatiful song. I can understand at least a little your pain and confusion, cause after spending with my daughter half a year in Albuguerque, when we came back the very same day he said he is leaving…
You are a strong woman. An aching heart is so because , like a memory of past love, it lingers.L.A
I am speechless of what to say. Just know you are loved. Very sweet pictures.Always,Sarah
Nice song with meaningful pictures. We must take comfort in things we have like family and friends when our heart is broken. You’ve got friends here.Take careLouis
Hello everyone.thank you for your kind words and just know I am doing much better now time heals everything in all stages of life.I am happy this is my last hurdle to jump over concerning my memories of Egypt and him. I am clearing my heart and mind and looking forward to a great summer of 2006.. This year will be my year to gain back my life I gave up for him and his country.I never say never, I say ,JUST DO IT! and I am going to do it for sure.Thanks to my friends here in Opera I have gained alot of strength and also so much love inside my heart from a chosen few who personally have held my hand and opened my heart .I thank all of you for uplifting me when I was down and inspiring me to express when I felt closed.Love Eve
Thank you for sharing that very personal journey. You’ve come along way, baby! And there’s nothing but blue skies and smooth sailing ahead, my dearest Eve, if you believe!!! {{hug}}
HI Joni,Thank you for your kind words and your kindness in general and you know ” I DO BELIEVE” ..2006 is my year. I know this and I will succeed with a little help from my friends :DHugs with love,Eve
fatimah beatiful songthank you see you
You’re welcome Cengiz :)See you later Fatimah
It just reminds me of something or should I say someone…”…the touch of a hand vanished,And the sound of a voice stillWill never come back to me again.” (No, those are not my lines. I remember reading them some 1 or 2 years ago when I was studying English Literature.)
HI Gopal.They are wonderful words even if they are not yours :)Thank you for sharing I really do enjoy your heart.Fatimah
yes On’an it’s completed, finished .. ended .. no more as I said before, you told me before not to communicate with him for it is sadistic on my part however, i wanted to try to guide him into the light once more and he was to deep in the darkness for me to offer any more help.I am free now free of guilt and free of trying and NO MORE time for him or Egypt .. NO MORE.. I love you On’an for always defending my heart and my soul.. I am so happy you are home now with me and still defending my heart and soul.Un beso mucho
Te subrayo aquellas frases de la canción que relaciono con tu mensaje… sobre todo: se acabó.:)Hervé VilardCAPRI SE ACABÓ(MP3)No volveremos másA esa isla serena,No volveremos másA esa isla de amor,No volveremos másYa no vale la pena,No volveremos másSólo queda el dolor.Capri se acabó,Pensar que allí nacióNuestro primer querer,Capri se acabó,Nunca jamás a ese lugarHe de volver.Capri se acabó.Pensar que allí nacióNuestro primer querer,Capri se acabóNunca jamás a ese lugarHe de volver.No volveremos másDonde yo te amé tanto,No volveremos másA vivir nuestro amor.A veces yo quisieraPoder recomenzar,Pero sé que es inútilQue tú te has de negar.Capri se acabó,Pensar que allí nacióNuestro primer querer,Capri se acabó,Nunca jamás a ese lugarHe de volver.Capri se acabó.Pensar que allí nacióNuestro primer querer,Capri se acabóNunca jamás a ese lugarHe de volver.No volveremos más,Pero no olvidaréAquellos días felicesQue contigo pasé.No volveremos másA vivir el pasado,Ya todo ha terminado,No volveremos más.Capri se acabó,Pensar que allí nacióNuestro primer querer,Capri se acabó,Nunca jamás a ese lugarHe de volver.Capri se acabó.Pensar que allí nacióNuestro primer querer,Capri se acabóNunca jamás a ese lugarHe de volver.
I fixed the broken link in this post also..I hope you will enjoy the music as much as the words.. LoveFati