
Thank you to Qbone for the music and my friends Sayeed and CusCus for the photos

"I offer this post to God thanking him for a second life"

Please download the music before reading and viewing the photos.. you won't be sorry .


from my book Illuminated Prayer
God is a Power

The power becomes the light

The light becomes vibration

The vibration becomes sound

The sound becomes word

The word becomes language

The language becomes scripture

"excerpt from the Holy Quran"
" Surah Al Lail "The Night,"

1: Just take a look at the universe and it will appear to be a collection of opposites. For example on one side is the night which covers everything in darkness.

2: And on the other side is the day which brightens everything by its light.

3: Among living beings, males are created along with females whose physical functions are different.

4: This diversity is for the distribution of functions (labour). (Due to this distribution, the aims of your endeavors in social life are different. This is how the system functions so smoothly.

If you consider that this distribution of labour divides humanity into schisms, one having no connection with the other, then this is a misconception. If you superficially look at day and night, or the distribution between men and women, you will find that each one of them appears to be different from the other. However, if you look more closely, you will notice that both are linked with each other. They are branches of the same origin as well as facets of the same fact. Inspite of this distribution of labour, human beings are an indivisible unit.

Like that

In Light and Love,

16 Replies to “Blessings”

  1. En noviembre del 2005 escribí un mensaje que, en cierto modo, está relacionado con éste que has posteado, mi querida amiga… lo titulé Genesis I – 32Y por eso, porque creo que está relacionado, y para dar una visión hebraica del tema que has tratado, es por lo que lo traigo a tu blog como comentario mío a tu mensaje. Espero que esto no te moleste y que sea de tu agrado.(In November of the 2005 I wrote a message that, in certain way, it is related with this that you have written, my dear friend… I titled it Genesis I – 32 And for that reason, because I believe that it is related, and to give a Hebraic vision of the topic that you have tried, it is for what I bring it to your blog like my comment to your message. I hope this doesn’t bother you and that it is of your pleasure.)Genesis, I – 321:1 in principio creavit Deus caelum et terram1:2 terra autem erat inanis et vacua et tenebrae super faciem abyssi et spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas1:3 dixitque Deus fiat lux et facta est lux1:4 et vidit Deus lucem quod esset bona et divisit lucem ac tenebras1:5 appellavitque lucem diem et tenebras noctem factumque est vespere et mane dies unus1:6 dixit quoque Deus fiat firmamentum in medio aquarum et dividat aquas ab aquis1:7 et fecit Deus firmamentum divisitque aquas quae erant sub firmamento ab his quae erant super firmamentum et factum est ita1:8 vocavitque Deus firmamentum caelum et factum est vespere et mane dies secundus1:9 dixit vero Deus congregentur aquae quae sub caelo sunt in locum unum et appareat arida factumque est ita1:10 et vocavit Deus aridam terram congregationesque aquarum appellavit maria et vidit Deus quod esset bonum1:11 et ait germinet terra herbam virentem et facientem semen et lignum pomiferum faciens fructum iuxta genus suum cuius semen in semet ipso sit super terram et factum est ita1:12 et protulit terra herbam virentem et adferentem semen iuxta genus suum lignumque faciens fructum et habens unumquodque sementem secundum speciem suam et vidit Deus quod esset bonum1:13 factumque est vespere et mane dies tertius1:14 dixit autem Deus fiant luminaria in firmamento caeli ut dividant diem ac noctem et sint in signa et tempora et dies et annos1:15 ut luceant in firmamento caeli et inluminent terram et factum est ita1:16 fecitque Deus duo magna luminaria luminare maius ut praeesset diei et luminare minus ut praeesset nocti et stellas1:17 et posuit eas in firmamento caeli ut lucerent super terram1:18 et praeessent diei ac nocti et dividerent lucem ac tenebras et vidit Deus quod esset bonum1:19 et factum est vespere et mane dies quartus1:20 dixit etiam Deus producant aquae reptile animae viventis et volatile super terram sub firmamento caeli1:21 creavitque Deus cete grandia et omnem animam viventem atque motabilem quam produxerant aquae in species suas et omne volatile secundum genus suum et vidit Deus quod esset bonum1:22 benedixitque eis dicens crescite et multiplicamini et replete aquas maris avesque multiplicentur super terram1:23 et factum est vespere et mane dies quintus1:24 dixit quoque Deus producat terra animam viventem in genere suo iumenta et reptilia et bestias terrae secundum species suas factumque est ita1:25 et fecit Deus bestias terrae iuxta species suas et iumenta et omne reptile terrae in genere suo et vidit Deus quod esset bonum1:26 et ait faciamus hominem ad imaginem et similitudinem nostram et praesit piscibus maris et volatilibus caeli et bestiis universaeque terrae omnique reptili quod movetur in terra1:27 et creavit Deus hominem ad imaginem suam ad imaginem Dei creavit illum masculum et feminam creavit eos1:28 benedixitque illis Deus et ait crescite et multiplicamini et replete terram et subicite eam et dominamini piscibus maris et volatilibus caeli et universis animantibus quae moventur super terram1:29 dixitque Deus ecce dedi vobis omnem herbam adferentem semen super terram et universa ligna quae habent in semet ipsis sementem generis sui ut sint vobis in escam1:30 et cunctis animantibus terrae omnique volucri caeli et universis quae moventur in terra et in quibus est anima vivens ut habeant ad vescendum et factum est ita1:31 viditque Deus cuncta quae fecit et erant valde bona et factum est vespere et mane dies sextus¿ 1:32 ?… The Alan Parsons Project (I Robot, 1977), Génesis I – 32:

  2. Mi único deseo es que seas feliz en tu país, en tu casa, en tu vida personal y laboral, feliz en tu vida familiar, que estés llena de vida y salud y que tengas aún mucho tiempo frente a ti para recoger todas las maravillas que el mundo tiene aún por ofrecerte… éste es mi deseo y, según tus palabras, es mi orden… así pues, mi querida Fatimah, estás obligada a ser feliz, pues el día que no lo seas, ese día estarás rompiendo este compromiso de hacer de mi deseo una orden 🙂 Sobre el hombre y la mujer en la visión religiosa, voy a comentarte algo que quizás desconozcas. Antiguamente, cuando el cristianismo estaba aún en sus primeros años, había una corriente de pensamiento antigua, derivada de la civilización egipcia (que entonces estaba en pleno declive), que podríamos calificar de gnóstica – hermetista. Los Hermetistas pensaban que Dios, el Creador del Universo, Demiurgo le llamaban, tenía los dos sexos, es decir, que era Hermafrodita (de los dioses griegos Hermes y Afrodita)… es decir, pensaban que la naturaleza divina era masculina y femenina, sin distinción alguna entre ambas. Y pensaban que la Humanidad había sido creada a imagen y semejanza del Demiurgo, del Dios Hermafrodita… sólo que, en la Humanidad (y demás seres creados), el Creador los diferenció dentro de su misma especie (géneros masculino y femenino). Es por esto que, aquellos antiguos, creían que el Hombre Arquetipo sólo era alcanzable cuando las dos naturalezas, la masculina (hombre) y la femenina (mujer), se unían. Hombre y Mujer eran exactamente iguales y tenían las mismas virtudes y capacidades, pero sólo en la unión de sus naturalezas podían alcanzar la realización del Hombre completo (macho y hembra a la vez)… así es cómo aquellos hombres y mujeres creían, firmemente, que en la unión espiritual (amor) y carnal (sexo) y sus éxtasis correspondientes es cuando eran, como personas, más semejantes al Dios Creador… y en esta comunión con el Creador, es cuando se producía el milagro: se generaba una nueva vida… My only desire is that you are happy in your country, in your house, in your personal and labor life, happy in your family life that you are full with life and health and that you have even a lot of time in front of you to pick up all the marvels that the world still has to offer… this is my desire and, according to your words, it is my order… therefore, my dear Fatimah, you are forced to be happy, because the day that you are not it, that day you will be breaking this commitment of making of my desire an order:) On the man and the woman in the religious vision, I will comment you something that maybe ignore. Formerly, when the Christianity was still in its first years, there was an old thought current, derived of the Egyptian civilization (that then in the middle of decline was) that could qualify of Gnostic – hermetista. The Hermetistas thought that God, the Creator of the Universe, Demiurgo called him, he/she had the two sexes, that is to say that was Hermaphrodite (of the Greek gods Hermes and Aphrodite)… that is to say, they thought that the divine nature was masculine and feminine, without distinction some among both. And they thought that the Humanity had been created to image and likeness of the Demiurgo, of the Hermaphrodite God… only, in the Humanity (and other created beings), the Creator differentiated them inside his same species (masculine and feminine goods). it is for this reason that, those old ones, believed that the Man Archetype was only possible when the two natures, the masculine one (man) and the feminine one (woman), they united. Man and Woman were exactly same and they had the same virtues and capacities, but only in the union of their natures they could reach the complete Man’s realization (male and female at the same time)… it is this way how those men and women believed, firmly that in the spiritual union (love) and carnal (sex) and their corresponding ecstasies are when they were, as people, more similar to the Creative God… and in this communion with the Creator, it is when the miracle took place: a new life was generated…Un beso.:)

  3. YOUR WORDS…”My only desire is that you are happy in your country, in your house, in your personal and labor life, happy in your family life that you are full with life and health and that you have even a lot of time in front of you to pick up all the marvels that the world still has to offer… this is my desire and, according to your words, it is my order… therefore, my dear Fatimah, you are forced to be happy, because the day that you are not it, that day you will be breaking this commitment of making of my desire an order :)”I would NEVER break a commitment or an order .. I am VERY HAPPY NOW ! so full of happiness and love and caring I know you can sense it. I thank you for it as well as God. I have missed your teachings as well.. thank you for always teaching and guiding not just me but my readers as well. forever yours,Fatimah

  4. Hello again, On’an why would anything you post here bother me 🙂 I also remember all your posts each and every one of them ;)You are welcome to put as you wish and your wish is my command Bowing graciously,Fatimah

  5. The music was breathtaking.It reaches deep into ones soul with such a soothing prescence.ThanksSteven

  6. 🙂 this feeds my soul, thanks so much, I had to look at it a couple of times to understand it. So beautiful!Love,Sarah

  7. HI Sarah,Thank you for feeling and allowing me to feed your soul :)Love Fatimah

  8. Thank you Steven .. it came from my soul so now you know how deep my soul is and now deep the light goes.Thank you for always enjoying my heart and soulYou are so welcome,Fatimah

  9. Hello :)I thought you would ;)thank you for visiting and enjoying Fatimah who thanks YOU !

  10. I liked it very much. Everything – music, photos, words – made great impression on me, and my soul and heart echoed. Love, Ramute.

  11. Well, your writing is excellent one but what I liked most was “…human beings are an indivisible unit.” If you remember your writing me that we have many things in common in our nature, here too I find you close to my view. Sometimes or very often whenever someone asks me my religion I just say I don’t believe in religion. But it doesn’t mean that I am not religious. The fact is that I don’t like separating one human bieng from another as Hindu, Muslim, Christina, and so on. Simply becuase…”HUMAN BEINGS ARE AN INDIVISIBLE UNIT”

  12. Yes Gopal,I am spiritual being. .I am Muslim but also more spiritual. I am not religious. just faithful :)Thank you for your wonderful words and your blog full of love and wise caring feelings. I am so pleased I found you Fatimah

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