Dream Catcher

I thought to illustrate this song in a differnt way, with horses.
I feel they represent the spirit not the body.. Do you agree?

Music by Secret Garden

Hear my silent prayer
Heed my quiet call

When the dark and blue surround you

Step into my sigh

Look inside the light

You will know that I have found you

With Love,

11 Replies to “Dream Catcher”

  1. Hi!Eve – you’ve a fantastic taste. With music….Maybe You will be poet?

  2. Or may be the horses simbolize the radiant body, which only the enlightened people have? The song is great and fits in very well.Love, Ramute.

  3. HI Andreu,thank you for always loving my posts :)HI Ramute.I chose to use the horse since they are spiritual in the Native American culture and they embody the spirit of the powerful so this too is represented in these photos. Thank you for commenting and always reading :)HI Dave, You have become a loyal reader and commenter thank you for your caring.HI Cengiz,I know how much you love my horse so I did this post to show you the feeling one can have with the horse :)Love to all Fatimah

  4. Awww, thanks Fatimah for the beautiful and encouraging post.With all love,Sarah

  5. Hi! And this horses are fantastic too. Where you are finding such wads. Alone are you composing them?

  6. HI Sarah,Thank you for feeling the words and know I am here for you too :)I miss youLove FatimahAndreu. these words are from the song not mine, I write my own words when I speak about expereinces from my life . thanks for always enjoying Fatimah

  7. Wow! I must say you can write almost on anything and everything and that too with the same authority you have gained writing. Thanks a lot for the nice images and for the poem as well. 🙂

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