I am usually inspired by the music however,
this time it came from a "HIGHER" inspiration.
I hope you will enjoy this inspiration, as much as I did
writing my own words.
Ernesto Cortazar Nights of Silk and Tears
With an unbreakable passion, I am chained to you.
I melt with the sight of you, the sound of you, the touch …..from you..
How I longed to feel your breath on my neck, your hands on my curved body, to smell you..
To taste your lips pressing on my opened mouth which is waiting and wanting you now.
To feel my body blending inside your body as we ARE, a perfect match.
To spend Nights of Silk and Tears making love with you
over and over reaching higher ectascy levels, wanting more and more ..
reaching, burning, longing, and yet, an ocean full is still…. not enough.
@ Fatimah
Mi querida Fatimah, me dejas sin palabras… y al leer pienso que, si esto es pecado, entonces, ¡cuán dulce es el infierno…!Viene a mi recuerdo un poema de Luis Cernuda (1902-1963), un poema que parece hecho para responderte. En exaltación amorosa, yo ahora te dedico su lectura:My dear Fatimah, you leave me without words… and when reading I think that, if this is sinned, then, how candy it is the hell…!A poem of Luis Cernuda (1902-1963) comes to my memory, a poem that seems fact to respond you. In loving exaltation, I now dedicate you their reading:Si el hombre pudiera decir lo que ama,si el hombre pudiera levantar su amor por el cielocomo una nube en la luz;si como muros que se derrumban,para saludar la verdad erguida en medio,pudiera derrumbar su cuerpo,dejando sólo la verdad de su amor,la verdad de sí mismo,que no se llama gloria, fortuna o ambición,sino amor o deseo,yo sería aquel que imaginaba;aquel que con su lengua, sus ojos y sus manosproclama ante los hombres la verdad ignorada,la verdad de su amor verdadero.Libertad no conozco sino la libertad de estar preso en alguiencuyo nombre no puedo oír sin escalofrío;alguien por quien me olvido de esta existencia mezquinapor quien el día y la noche son para mí lo que quiera,y mi cuerpo y espíritu flotan en su cuerpo y espíritucomo leños perdidos que el mar anega o levantalibremente, con la libertad del amor,la única libertad que me exalta,la única libertad por la que muero.Tú justificas mi existencia:si no te conozco, no he vivido;si muero sin conocerte, no muero,porque no he vivido.:heart:
My On’an,Now it is you, who leaves me speechless.Such a beautiful old and yet present poem. I am honored to have read it.More honored that you dedicate it in my blog to me. I will cherish it forever.With Love, Fatimah
HI Steven,yes summer misty rains are an added passion . thank you for feeling and enjoying:)
speechless to say the least.all one needs is a gentle summer rain to add to the passion.steven
Fatimah, What are you doing to the men?? lol Besides that, this is beautiful and wonderfully done. I like the new look of your blog……surprizing! :)*ps, wonderful comment from Onan, very sweet.Always,Sarah
HI Sarah,ME? MEN? NOOOOOO :)I was inspired with these beautiful photos and the music and being romantic what else could I do :)Yes, On’an has always given me the most precious words he can share from his heart..I am truely blessed ..thanks for reading and FEELINGLoveFatimah
HI Ramute.I am pleased you have enjoyed my inspiration thank you for always reading and commentingLoveFatimah
No words can express the felings which overflow me. Extraordinary.:)Love, Ramute.
Hi Fatimah,Wow, what a post! It’s very sensual and well done :up: The music just adds to the feelings of love that you have expressed in this post. Keep loving and feeling.Love,Marcus
HI Marcus,thanks for feeling my words and enjoying the post :)I will keep loving and sharingLoveFatimah
Ooooooh. Nice!No more to be said.
Hi Alan,OHHHH thank you :)You are soooo welcome
Hi, Fatimah lovely pictures, wonderful music.You came from another world.ON’AN, nice poem, hermoso poema.QUE gente tan bella y sensible.sincerely, Roger Leos
HI Roger,thank you for enjoying my work and On’ans poem.Fatimah
Hold on let me wipe the sweat off my forehead……. Ok all better now. Whew that was steamy. Like the new look. Still trying to figure out the 8 ball behind the heart tho.
new thinking..new words
Dear Fatimah,Take a bow to my Queen of the OC, I love your new outlook really make all blogs are pop out…especially this latest Passion :DThank you my dearest queen and angel Fatimah.:heart:ruth
Dear Eve!The this poetry is very romantic. Fantastic!! And I’ll print this text and record this music!
HI Ruth thank you for your kind words.. I thought it was time for a change :)HI Andreu,how did I know you would LOVE this one ? 🙂 thanks for always enjoying all my posts.HI OlsenThank you for reading and enjoying and NOT hugging a tree :)Thank you all,