words written by,
We come from another world,
you and I
You carry the weight of this world without a word,
in silence.
Together, we opened doors and a new life began
You and I,
we are one in heart and soul
As the sun sets we share the love for the beauty we have
which holds us closer in the
Arms of Eternity
when the sun rises
a new day begins with a smile
for in the Arms of Eternity,
WE will be held
You and I
together, will return to the world we came from …
With Love,
Hay algo indiscutible para nosotros dos, pues lo estamos experimentando con mucha frecuencia: la sintonía espiritual es una realidad. Así, por ejemplo, aquí has puesto imágenes de Boris que yo ayer estuve considerando si poner o no para mi post “Sensual Sensual…: TÚ”, y que al final rechacé en favor de usar fotos y no dibujos… ¿cuántas veces nos hemos escrito simultáneamente y, más sorprendente, hablando de lo mismo? Tantas veces que ya he perdido la cuenta… y más cosas que tú sabes y que yo no quiero decir en público porque son cosas que no se pueden hablar abiertamente, por voluntad misma de Lo Divino… y que no es un silencio impuesto por una voluntad de secretismo, sino impuesto por las insalvables limitaciones del lenguaje humano: ¿cómo hablar de cosas que no tienen nombre? ¿Cómo hablar de lo que, por increado, no tiene un ser espacio-temporal? En lo Eterno nunca ha habido ni habrá Tiempo… en lo Insondable nunca ha habido ni habrá Espacio… Aquellos que en la Historia de la Humanidad han tenido la dicha de estar frente a esa puerta que citas, y unos pocos la bendición de traspasarla, y que han intentado explicar a los demás sus “descubrimientos”… en el peor de los casos fueron llamados locos, y en el mejor de los casos poetas, santos, profetas… Sólo la paradoja, la metáfora, la analogía, la parábola, la hipérbole y demás recursos artificiales del idioma pueden aproximarse a dar una explicación de la visión de lo Invisible, del ser de lo Increado, que es no-ser… y aún así sólo es un ejercicio de aproximación y nunca una descripción verídica. Si el lector o el oyente carecen del toque del Espíritu, entonces todo lo anterior no son sino juegos de palabras, malabares lingüísticos, bonita charlatanería… pérdida de tiempo.Cuando esta mañana ha amanecido para ti, estaba yo, como viene a ser habitual desde que estoy en casa, conectado al yahoo a fin de desearte los buenos días, hablar de cosas sin importancia y acompañarte mientras saboreas tu primer café de la mañana… Antes de despedirnos, me has hecho el siguiente comentario sobre este tu mensaje de hoy (en relación a estas palabras: “for in the Arms of Eternity, WE will be held You and I together”):in Islam there is an eternal wife and I do believe I will be yours in paradise this is what the post was about the world we came from which is Heaven and we both will return there togetherLa expresión Esposa Eterna es una forma metafórica, poética, de definir a La Divinidad… es una expresión muy usada por los místicos de las religiones monoteístas en general y, en particular, dentro de la religión islámica, de los místicos sufíes. La unión con Lo Divino es expresado, entonces, como Las Bodas Místicas (las nupcias con la Divinidad, la Amiga Eterna, la Madre Eterna, la Esposa Eterna de las almas que se han vestido con la túnica santa de la purificación, que es sin egoísmo, amor compasivo para todos los seres, voluntad permanente de autosacrificio por sus semejantes y de buscar y seguir la verdad donde quiera que se la encuentre…)En fin, hablar de esto no tiene cabida en un comentario… sería harto extenso. Sólo deseaba subrayar que la Esposa Eterna de los místicos no es lo que imaginabas… Como curiosidad, comentarte que, en la religión cristiana, los místicos no hablan de Esposa Eterna, sino del Esposo, en referencia al Cristo. Así, el místico español San Juán de la Cruz habla en sus poemas de su unión con el Esposo… siendo el alma del místico la esposa.Un beso, mi querida Fati… un precioso post el de hoy, tanto por tus palabras como por la música… seguiremos cruzando puertas juntos, si es que así Dios lo quiere.:)There is something unquestionable for us two, because we are experiencing it with a lot of frequency: the spiritual syntony is a reality. This way, for example, here you have put images of Boris that me yesterday I was considering if to put or doesn’t it stop my post “Sensual Sensual…: TÚ”, and that at the end I rejected in favor of using pictures and non drawings… how many times have we written ourselves simultaneously and, more surprising, speaking of the same thing? So many times that I have already lost the bill… and more things than you know and that I don’t mean in public because they are things that cannot be spoken openly, for same will of The Divine thing… and that it is not a silence imposed by a secret will, but imposed by the unsurmountable limitations of the human language: how to speak of things that they don’t have name? How to speak of that that, for uncreated, doesn’t a being space-storm have? In the Eternal thing there has never been neither there will be Time… in the Unfathomable thing there has never been neither there will be Space… Those that have had the happiness of being in front of that door that you mention, in the Humanity’s History and some few ones the blessing of passing over it, and that they have tried to explain to the other ones their “discoveries”… in the worst in the cases they were called crazy, and in the best in the cases poets, saints, prophets… Only the paradox, the metaphor, the analogy, the parable, the hyperbole and other artificial resources of the language can approach to give an explanation of the vision of the Invisible thing, of the being of the Uncreated thing that is to no-be… and it is even this way only an approach exercise and never a truthful description. If the reader or the listener lack the touch of the Spirit, then all the above-mentioned is not but games of words, juggling linguistic, beautiful verbosity… loss of time. When this morning it has dawned for you, it was me, like he/she comes to be habitual since I am at home, connected to the yahoo in order to wish you the good morning, to speak of things without importance and to accompany while you savor the tomorrow’s first coffee… before saying goodbye, you have made me the following comment on this today’s message (in relation to these words: “for in the Arms of Eternity, WE will be held You and I together”): in Islam there is an eternal wife and I do believe I will be yours in paradise this is what the post was about the world we came from which is Heaven and we both will return there together The expression Eternal Wife it is a metaphoric, poetic form, of defining to The Divinity… it is an expression very used by the mystics of the monotheistic religions in general and, in particular, inside the Islamic religion, of the mystic sufíes. The union with The Divine thing is expressed, then, as The Mystic Weddings (the nuptials with the Divinity, the Eternal Friend, the Eternal Mother, the Eternal Wife of the souls that you/they have gotten dressed with the sacred tunic of the purification that is without selfishness, compassionate love for all the beings, permanent will of self-sacrifice for its fellow men and of to look for and to follow the truth where he/she wants him to be it…) In short, to speak of this doesn’t have space in a comment… it would be full extensive. He/she only wanted to underline that the Eternal Wife of the mystics is not what you imagined… As curiosity, to comment you that, in the Christian religion, the mystics don’t speak of Eternal Wife, but of the Husband, in reference to the Christ. This way, the mystic Spanish San Juán de la Cruz speaks in his poems of his union with the Husband… being the mystic’s soul the wife. A kiss, my dear Fati… a beautiful one post that of today, as much for your words as for the music… we will continue crossing doors together, if it is that God wants this way it.:)
Mmmmm…. very interesting. I like it.
I am impressed by the connection that I see here……….there is nothing more beautiful than two spirits being joined so closely as this. It is almost as if you and Onan are twin souls. I have felt this way with my husband at times, as if we were together before birth and going to be together after death. Having same dreams, thinking same thoughts, I do recongnise this as eternal love. My husband and I dreamed the same dream, him having it years before I did, and we both saw our kids in the dream, even before they were born. I am sure others have experianced this. It would be so nice to hear about connections from others. :heart:SarahSoy impresionado por la unión que veo aquí ………. no hay nada más hermoso que dos espíritus afiliados tan estrechamente como este. Es casi como si usted y Onan son almas de gemelo. He sentido este camino con mi marido a veces, como si estábamos juntos antes del nacimiento y yendo a estar juntos después de la muerte. Teniendo mismos sueños, pensando mismos pensamientos, hago recongnise este como el amor eterno. Mi marido y yo soñamos el mismo sueño, él teniéndolo años antes de que yo hiciera, y nosotros ambos vimos a nuestros niños en el sueño, hasta antes de que ellos nacieran. Soy otros positivos tienen experianced este. Estaría tan bien oír sobre uniones de otros.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. :):):) I like it very much. Love, Ramute.
HI Sarah,thank you for sharing your heart and your experiences too so you see we are not the only one ..Thank you for today Sarah you really made my day after the phone call Love youFatimah Thank you Custodio for enjoying my blog always 🙂
I always knew, Fatimah, On’an I consider you, and even me and my closest friends, have been people from other world here in the Earth. You are so deep. Remember I told you and you told me to be an angel ?I don’t know if so I am, but my latest post has a song about revival, about restart again today after the storm has gone…I can see words of wisdomin this post, over the most important philosophers I have read.Fatimah On’an you are so lucky to have this eternal love… It’s sweet.I am honored to know a bit of yourselves. God bless you all forever and thanks for share your deepest feelings you both. Nice post, nice music.
thank you Roger for your caring words and comments Fatimah
Hey Fatimah,That was so much fun chatting with you on the phone. Thanks as well. I’ll always be your friend, 🙂 So glad that we connected in such a positive way.:heart:Sarah
most touching.warmlySteven
HI SarahI have to thank you for being my friend and daughter for a year now 🙂 you are embedded in my heart..HI StevenThank you for always reading and caring Love Fatimah
Hi!Now I’m listening music and read text. I’m clousing the eyes and dreaming….thanks
HI Andreu,It’s a good way to feel the music thank you always
My On’anThe connection God gave to you and Ieven in death it will not fade…with so much love..which is the fruit that keeps the connection alive beyond eternity..uno besoFati
Scrolling down im see what a beautiful ray of pictures wonderful ,
thank you for your visit and comment I hope you enjoyed it all 🙂
yes im still keep coming in and looking its awsum .You love Egypt did you ?
Hi Cocoa.Yes, I really did love Egypt there is so much life there and places to go and things to do not to mention the food :)I don’t smell the wonderful cooking in the apartment houses hereas I do there and I do miss the those cooling breezes after the last prayer.:)
Mashallah im off there again in july inshallah but im never been in this time of year ,mainly beginning of the year or the end of it im off to live in Sinai for 3weeks with my family .
July is horrid, so hot but August is worse :)You will enjoy your time there and the Nile area is peaceful at night.Sinai is wonderful also and you are lucky to have someone there to vacation with.I hope to see photos of your trips 🙂
My family is from there .North Sinai .im go all time .
OH I C this is wonderful.I thought you were from Egypt sorry 🙂
We are ^^lol North sinai Egypt 🙂
oh ok the Sinai goes over into other areas as well not just Egypt.
have u ever looked at the map of Egypt we over the north past ishmalia and port said not far from Al arish have a look and u shall see my city Beer elaybd
Yes I have been up to that part of the Sinai I love Port Ishmaila I have also seen on the map your city it’s a magical area for sure.