Sarah Brightman
When he passes me by
He's a ray of light
Like the first drop of sun
From the sky
And I knows he's a king
Who deserves a queen
But I'm is not a queen
And he doesn't see me
When he dances
He moves me to a smile
And I see everything
In him shine
There's a grace in his ways
That I can't contain
I haven't that grace
Oh, I haven't that grace
And the closer he gets
I can't help but hide
So ashamed
Of my body and voice
There are boundaries
We pass in spite of the war
But our own
We can't seem to cross
She has a way that surrounds her
So delicate
With a glory that reigns in her life
She is also so much that she is not
These things I can't see
Because he doesn't see me
And he doesn't see me
There are things we can change
If we just choose to fight
But the walls of injustice are high
When he passes me by
He's a ray of light
Like the first drop of sun
From the sky
And I know he's a king
Who deserves a queen
Someone other than me
So different from me
He doesn't see me
He doesn't see me
He doesn't see me
🙁 I am already sad today and this made me more sad.You are really an angel!:angel:
Wonderful song. :)Strange, in my street lives a man whom I like, but he doesn’t see me. He always passes me looking somewhere else. Love,Ramute.
HI Ramute,Did you ever think he might be saying this about you? Go up to him and say HI how’s your day? Fatimah
HI Sarah,Don’t be sad. it’s the holiday weekend 🙂 BBQ time :DTake my hug and feel it squeeze you with loveFatimah
Perdonad la extensión de mi mensaje… pero la brevedad no es mi virtud.Forgive the extension of my message… but the brevity is not my virtue.:doh:Sarah Brightman afirma en su canción que él es un rey… y que ella no es reina. Y piensa Sarah que es por la condición de “no reina” por lo que él no la ve… Dice Sarah que la causa por la cual él no la ve es la de que ella pertenece a un estrato social (y económico, en consecuencia) inferior a la condición social de él. Y Sarah se pregunta el porqué no pueden romper ese muro artificial que los separa. Y es sobre este último pensamiento que la letra de la canción es construida. Pero quizás se trate de otro tipo de muro… y hay límites y límites. Los límites artificiales (inventados por el hombre) siempre son abatibles, como es el ejemplo de las fronteras entre naciones citado en la canción de Sarah… pero hay límites infranqueables, emanados de la acción creadora, y que se manifiestan, por ejemplo, en la Naturaleza. Entre las aves, el águila es reina, emperatriz, símbolo de la viveza y de la sagacidad… emperadora de las aves rapaces, bajo cuyo estandarte han florecido en la historia reinos e imperios; bajo cuya reseña han muerto millones de hombres en ese sacrificio llamado guerra. Entre las aves, la dulce paloma es reina de la paz, símbolo del genio apacible y contemplativo… soberana del amor y bajo cuya imagen se manifiesta el Espíritu Santo de los cristianos, y cuyo blanco color es símbolo de pureza… y de rendición en la guerra. También muchos han muerto bajo su estandarte… se les suele llamar mártires de la paz. Así, como ejemplo reciente, pienso ahora en el mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi o en el reverendo Martin Luther King. Ambas aves son reinas y emperadoras… pero incompatibles en su esencia por el límite (aparentemente) infranqueable del instinto natural inscrito en sí mismas. El águila siempre devora a la paloma… y el mejor deseo que puede tener la paloma es que el águila “no la vea”. La paloma nunca será águila, pero el águila tiene en su ser parte del espíritu de la paloma… un espíritu manifestado, por ejemplo, en el amor exacerbado del águila por sus hijos, por los cuales dará su vida combatiendo hasta la muerte… y lo mismo sucede con la paloma, que tiene parte del espíritu del águila, pues pese a ser una criatura tan frágil, la paloma también defenderá a sus hijos hasta la muerte, ofreciéndose ella misma en sacrificio… En conclusión: los caminos vitales del águila y de la paloma son bien distintos, y, en cierto modo, paralelos… pero no se cruzan entre sí. El encuentro, el verse cara a cara en estas condiciones, sólo puede tener un fin escrito en el Destino: el sacrificio de la paloma bajo las garras del águila. Para que puedan verse sin peligro, es la paloma la que ha de adquirir virtudes del águila: volar tan alto y rápido, ser tan vital y sagaz como el águila. Con estas nuevas condiciones, ambas pueden verse cara a cara, reconocerse mutuamente y viajar juntas un largo trecho de sus caminos, pues el Destino está escrito, pero sólo en su parte más esencial, como un boceto… es cada cual, paloma o águila, el que tiene la libertad de poner los acentos convenientes, los puntos y comas adecuados… pues no hay límites infranqueables y la libertad de acción de los seres creados tiene el poder de cambiar y reescribir el Destino de sus existencias (no el Destino de la Creación). Querida Paloma, hay un Águila que te ve desde el camino de su vuelo y que, teniendo hambre de ti, no te quiere devorar… un águila que te espera allá arriba, pacientemente, para mostrarte el mundo desde unas alturas inéditas para ti.:)Sarah Brightman affirms in its song that he is a king… and that she is not queen. And Sarah that is for the condition thinks of you/he/she doesn’t reign” for what he doesn’t see it… Sarah that the cause for which he doesn’t see it is the says that she belongs to a social stratum (and economic, in consequence) inferior to the social condition of him. And Sarah wonders the reason they cannot break that artificial wall that separates them. And it is on this last thought that the letter of the song is built. But maybe be another wall type… and there are limits and limits. The artificial limits (invented by the man) they are always folding, like it is the example of the frontiers among nations mentioned in Sarah’s song… but there are impassable limits, emanated of the creative action, and that they are manifested, for example, in the Nature. Among the birds, the eagle is queen, empress, symbol of the vivacity and of the sagacity… empress of the rapacious birds under whose banner has flourished in the history Kingdom and empires; under whose review millions of men have died in that sacrifice called war. Among the birds, the sweet dove is queen of the peace, symbol of the gentle and contemplative genius… sovereign of the love and under whose image the Sacred Spirit of the Christian is manifested, and whose white color is symbol of purity… and of rendition in the war. Also many have died under their banner… you/they is usually called martyrs of the peace. This way, as recent example, I think now of the mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or in the reverend Martin Luther King. Both birds are queens and empresses… but incompatible in their essence for the limit (seemingly) impassable of the natural instinct inscribed in themselves. The eagle always devours the dove… and the best desire that can have the dove is that the eagle doesn’t see” it. The dove will never be eagle, but the eagle has in her being part of the spirit of the dove… a manifested spirit, for example, in the exacerbated love of the eagle for her children, for which she will give her life combatting until the death… and the same thing happens to the dove that has part of the spirit of the eagle, because in spite of being such a fragile creature, the dove will also defend her children until the death, offering herself in sacrifice… In conclusion: the vital roads of the eagle and of the dove they are very different, and, in certain way, parallel… but they don’t cross to each other. The encounter, the one turns face to face under these conditions, he/she can only have an end written in the Destination: the sacrifice of the dove under the claws of the eagle. So that they can it turns without danger, it is the dove the one that must acquire virtues of the eagle: to fly so high and quick, to be as vital and sagacious as the eagle. With these new conditions, both can it turns face to face, to be recognized mutually and to travel meetings a long distance of their roads, because the Destination is written, but only in its more essential part, as a sketch… it is each one, dove or eagle, the one that has the freedom of putting the convenient accents, the points and appropriate comas… because there are not impassable limits and the freedom of the created beings’ action has the power of changing and reescribir the Destination of its existences (not the Destination of the Creation). Dear Paloma, is an Eagle that you leave from the one on the way to her flight and that, being hungry of you, she doesn’t want to devour you… an eagle that waits there up for you, patiently, to show you the world from some unpublished heights for you. 🙂
Yo no tenía alas de águila, ni de paloma pero me han salido y he vuelto a volar de nuevo, como un hombre pájaro en busca de una cueva en las montañas, tal vez para hacer de mi casa en las alturas un refugio delicioso para poder descansar.Sólo sé que algunas personas somos seres muy distinos del resto….I had been fooling with some friends after hours, after the show. MAny of them have told me to feel sad. It’s a general disease today. What’s going on ? Nice to come back here and see the crew reunited as everyday, writing from deep inside, things in the paradox od coming from another world than this.I had no eagle nor dove wings but they grew on me and I fly again like a birdman looking for a cave in the mountais to build over there a house to rest some day maybe forever…See you allrleos
hi fatima , your song was very touching.ur blogs are really and pictures are good.they take me to some where else
Hello Roger and Zakirthank you for your kind words and reading Fatimah
Dear On’an,I am very happy to see your version of this song as it can take on many differnt views as I have explained to you last night.I enjoyed your interruption using birds as the spirits and showing the differnce between the most powerful to the weakest and yet both hold equal value in the chain of nature. Thank you for always sharing your brilliant mind and giving us more to ponder .You add more depth to my heart and my posts thank you On’anlove,Fatimah
Hi Eve!You write very beautifull blog. I like read it. And this music, full romantic….Maybe you’ll be write the poems on the books?
Hi Eve!What I can write at this text?! You’ve all the text beautifull! And the music? When I read Your text and listen music – I’m very happy. And I’m thinking…that You very happy, too… Because only very happy people can write and listen these beautiful things…. Thanks Eve!!
HI Andreu,thank you for being a number one fan of my music and blog.Most good writers find their inspiration from both good and bad.Eve