The Future of OIL

First I would like to thank Soheil for his hard work and dedication to our future.

I asked a favor of Soheil who has the blog " PETROLEUM" if he would do a report on our future when the oil reseves run low or out and here is what Soheil produced.

He is inside the oil industry and
has acess to more than we do
I trust him 100 percent in his words and in his heart.

I hope you will read this report and take his efforts
into your heart and mind
join with me to solve a bad outlook in the future of mankind.

What I am doing now is doing 2 days worth of work in one day where I can do this so I will conserve gas and also have more time for more work when possible. I work for many companies and if I can do more work in the areas I am in on that day rather than to drive back to those areas and use more gas then I will work longer hours to be more efficent.

Think of what you can do to conserve… just think if we all save a few gallons of gas what a great reserve we will have and the prices will fall 🙂 YES !!!!!!


Love to all,

6 Replies to “The Future of OIL”

  1. HI Sarah,You are welcome but try to read the report Soheil did a great job in composing it with graphs and photos too.Thank you SOHEIL so so much :)LoveFatimah

  2. This was a very informative,and well written report.I thank both you,and Soheil for it.warmlySteven

  3. HI StevenThank you for reading this report no one else has said they read it and Soheil did so much work on it I was hoping for many to read it :(Thanks for always being here and being a friend,:)Fatimah

  4. Hi Fatimah,Hi everbody,Actually the idea of this report was suggested by Fatimah. I would like to thank her.Endless oil reserves, even in the Middle East, is a myth, if do nothing against the declining rate of oil production.Generally, there are three ways to postpone the fact (oil shortage):1- Finding more and preferably gaint oil fields, which is almost impossible.2- Finding new ways of oil recovery, as you may know, the current rate of recovery is about 30% (70% of the oil remains beneath the surface). It is a matter of technology, which need time to be achieved.3- Re-consider our oil consumption, which is the easiest and fastest method.Regards,Soheil Moayedi

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