
I have seen deer in the bushes in the yard however…

Last night I was watching tv with my granddaughter and there are 2 windows . one on each side of the huge tv unit.

We see this one deer walking down off the hill and right next to the house as if she does this all the time.

These photos are were we saw the deer walking down all from the comfort of the couch .

Left Side window view

right side window view.

I now have my camera ready and I will take photos today of the outside and a huge surprise we found while walking thru the property yesterday..

I was shocked to see this sight right out back of the property 🙂

Stay tuned for the magic.


4 Replies to “Deer?”

  1. It seems a really magic place where you are now. Waiting for the photos.Love,Ramute.

  2. Ye, this is truly wonderful. So green, so green. And the stones tune in perfectly. Love, Ramute.

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