With tomorrow being July 4th here in USA . A holiday built on FREEDOM..
I found this video last night and it saddened me to know we are celebrating our freedom and the people of Iraq are dying for theirs.
I hope you can feel this video in the light I did, not pointing fingers however feeling the agony of what the children mostly are going thru during the occupation.
Children of Iraq
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With so much love,
Hi Fatimah,Thanks for showing your heart on this post. (I am also missing a plug in so had to view it in another browser) Did you ever figure out your plug in problem? Love,Sarah
HI Sarah,thank you for seeing my heart inside this video.. 🙂 you know me so well.No I never found out why your video didn’t play it said something about quicktime but I have that. 🙁 I will try to see it on this pc my laptop before it was my new desktop.. I have all the plugins on this laptop. Yes the video worked on the laptop so there is something missing in my desktop .. I will work on it when I get back to my house . thanks for commenting and feeling my heartLoveFatimah
It’s so pathetic!
Here in India too, you will come across children working in such risky and dangerous conditions and that too without being paid what they really deserve and sometimes they get nothing for their hard labour. Many children can be seen begging at railway stations, bust stops, and in the markets, at temples and mosques, or religious places… everywhere!
Hahah… I laugh at the meaningless term:
F R E E D O M !
‘Freedom’ is the highest pinnacle of the human race. Freedom is above everything. It is biggest tragedy with the human race, that one human wants dominate over other human. And other one has to made efforts gain his freedom. We ,human, consider the other animals as lowly in intelligence and emotions, but I find it otherway round. Often people misconceive between ‘freedom for’ and ‘freedom from’. One wants ‘freedom from’ the dominance , slavery but after obtaining freedom , people have ‘freedom for’ doing anything. But as soon freedom is arrived it is misused.I agree on what Gopal said, same thing has happened with India. India got ‘freedom from’ British dominance and had ‘freedom for’ developing the nation in every way. But the freedom was misused, because till you are enslaved you fight for freedom, but once freedom found it brings so much responsiblity to act wisely, where India has failed. Apology for the longer comment then the post :)I enjoy your posts as they are interesting.Happy Independece Day to you and all American brothers and sisters.
HI Gopal.I understand your feelings and I agree also.. FREEDOM IS A STATE OF MIND :(I always reflect back to Ghandhi and what he did for India..no one in history has done more not even Abraham Lincoln who freed the slaves here in USA. thank you for sharingFatimah
HI JVI too feel as you do.. I believe we trade one freedom for another and it’s an endless chain of events.Everyone wants to come to USA since they preceive the US being so full of freedoms .. yes and no .. there are many here however, you only trade one for another .. you don’t get the full package in any way shape or form.For each freedom there is a prison of some type of limits.. the only freedom we all share is the freedom inside our minds and hearts .. this is where it lives and breathes and also can not be taken from one..You can make a long comment in my blog any time you have a great mind which matches those great wonderful eyes :)Thank you for speaking and sharing inside my blog I am honored.Your FriendFatimah
It takes ages to be born a GANDHI!Thanks for your understanding my veiws. :)Gopal.
This type of images makes me shout: people what are you doing! Wake up, stop. I have no words.Love, Ramute.
HI Gopalyou know I always understand … YOU 🙂
HI Ramute.I kmow what you mean.. today Bush was on tv LYING as usual.. makes me so sick.You see God gives everyone enough rope to hang themselves and sooner or later itwill happen .thank you Ramute for your love:love:Fatimah
so well stated.. GREED is the key word now in this world..I pray for the generations to come..they will be the ones to sufferfrom the days of NOW.thank you JV for your heart
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every mans need, but not every mans greed” – Mahatma Gandhi.
Nothing is worse than WAR.
Hi :)yes you are so right thank you for viewing the film.it’s nice to see you again