The Doll That Traveled From Belgium


Since my last post mentioned about Tien,
I thought I would write more on this subject
since Thursday I was visiting with my daughter and her 2 girls. 🙂

I wrote about Tien in 2 other posts here .

Tien post
Tien post

My eldest granddaughter whom I call my ANGEL..
she was in her room cleaning out her closet and I went up to see if I can help her..

She had all her things from the floor of her closet out
and placed on her bed and also on the floor of her room.

I sat on the bed and she said to me. " See what's on the bed? " I said, "let me look"
I turned around and it was gifts a dear love brought with him from Egypt for my family and these on her bed were to her and her sister..
They looked as new now as they were when he gave them to her.

Then I asked her about the doll Tien brought for her when he came to me for vacation from Beligum ..?
She got it out and said there was a problem with it and she freaked out from it. 🙂

I asked her to explain and she proceeded to say, " the dolls head turns to look at me, It think it's possessed.. " I explained to her that Tien knew how much I loved her and would never give her a doll with spells in it
and also he bought me a toaster which won't be hot for her to make toast back in those days ..
he did this for her knowing she was with me so much .

I really got a kick out of her saying this doll was possessed..
He was magical and maybe he did place a spell on it however,
it would be a GUARDIAN ANGEL SPELL ..

She has placed the Barbie doll up with her others
and now she knows the story behind this doll that traveled from Beligum to be with her .

It was a nice visit with her and to be able to talk to her about Tien and Bassem both who knew how much she and her sister means to me and also how much she meant to them .


5 Replies to “The Doll That Traveled From Belgium”

  1. It was, indeed, a nice moment for you.And thanks a lot for the nice music. I like it so much. I am listening to it at this moment. I have got so nice music and songs from you many times and so millions of thanks to you. 🙂

  2. HI Fatimah Thanks for you. I dont know how to say some words.:):):)Plz let me have a look~~~~ pray for everybody. Mercury

  3. HI Gopal and Mercurythank you for enjoying the music and the words 🙂 It is real life not made up as some people write.. when I write it’s reality not FICTION LoveFati

  4. Hi Eve!Now I’m reading this blog. And I am giving some thought to it for all. “Something” is uncanny in this blog. But also endearing. Getting hold of the heart…

  5. Thank you Andreu..My heart is an open book 🙂 thank you so much for always reading and feeling me

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