I recited this file back in October 1999 if my memory is correct..
Of course it was for someone I cared very much for, my Tien, however,
it was not completed until TODAY..
I sent it to my friend who places the music behind my voice
and today it arrived in my inbox.
Each file I recited back then was from my heart and hearing this today with this music..
It really brought tears from my heart once more hearing my own voice holding love.
I know how many people love my voice files
and I am sharing this very special one with you now..
I have sent it to my Scout who has hundreds on her mailing list
Who have many times written to me asking me for MORE MORE MORE ..
I do hope you enjoy this file with your eyes closed
and let me get closer to you in your mind and heart
and allow me to encompass you ….
with the love I had when I made this file.
In Light and Love..
This was a comment to me from a 21 year old man.. “As I get older, I am realizing more that its somewhat easy to give love, but difficult to find someone to accept it.”How sad that someone this young feels this way 🙁 May God light all our paths to paradise here on earth and beyond.LoveFati
where is the voice? Why I hear nothing?Devil
My Oh My! God Lord! Oh, My Heck!What a great Post my dear. Sorry I can’t be more expressive but in the words of a classic coach admirer, “That’s got chrome all over it!”Very Sensual 😀
Hi Fati,Yes,that is sad what the young many said. But he has many years in front of him and I am sure that he will find his love as he gets older. I can’t hear the file, (as of yet, but taking it in on monday) I have been putting it off because I don’t want to be without my computer, :lol:I love the pic of Tinker Bell, so nice.:heart:Sarah
What a beautiful post! You have a very soothing, calming voice. :angel:The words you spoke seemed to have a lot of feeling behind them. In a word…WOW!
It’s for the second time I heard your voice. It’s soft and emocionaly charged thoughyou try to supress emotions. The poem is realy nice and the music inspiring. Thank you for sharing this treasure. Love,Ramute:)
Hello all,Devil and Sarah I can hear it as others have also .. You need quicktime to hear it I guess this is the logo I got when I clicked on the file here. Dave. What can I say but THANK YOU ! this file means so much to me and now even more since all has enjoyed hearing me and feeling the emotions I was feeling when recorded it..Jen.. thank you for your kind comments and yes the love overflowed into my voice as you can hear it .. I express my feelings always and while doing this file . it was overwhelming for me knowing how much enjoyment my Tien would feel also. :)Ramute thank you thank you thank you always you feel me always you understand me this means so much to me and your comments are a blessing to me as well.Love to all,Fati
thank you Andreu so so muchyes I had a lot of love in my being at this timethank you for feeling it.
Hi Eve!Oh, which it is beautiful. To read such a charming letter. Full of love and tenderness. And this music and your voice. Beautiful!!