My special friend (cloud watcher) sent me this song and my scout the photos.
I have matched them together and with my words,
I am hoping you will feel what I do when I hear and see this post.
In all our lives there is darkness however,
promises of a new day will shed the darkness and a new day is born..
We go about our day feeling busy
and sometimes we do take the time to enjoy what God has given us… our skies ..
We are usually in our houses when the sunset comes and we miss the most magical part of our days..
as the sun offers it's last KISS to our eyes..
with promises of many more tomorrow skies filled with love
and many more SUNSET KISSES …………..
With Love,
Nice and inspiring Fatima…. you are great if not the greatest..!Thanks again
I thought since I was doing posts about skies I would keep to the samesubject and this song led me to these photos and the photos led me to my words.I hope you will enjoy and feel the magic we all have before our eyes each and every day.May you always have SUNSET KISSESFati
OHHHHHHH Q you are a sweet talker for sure 🙂 but I love it :Dthank you for checking this out so fast ;)Nice to see your name here it’s been a long time 🙁 naughty man ..LoveFatimah
you are very welcome and nice to be around here again…
Fitting words and pics ARE your specialty!!! :heart:Sarah
Thank you Sarah for your kind words You and I have so much in common 🙂 couldn’t ask for a better soul sister or daughter 🙂 Love yaFati
here in dallas we don’t have such sloppy wet sunset kisses as you show here… makes me want a vacation. Oh how I long for a sloppy wet kiss.
Music perfectly matches the photos and the words. Sunrise kisses, sunset kisses – how sweet.Love, Ramute. 🙂
HI Ramute,When I heard this song I was lead :)Thank you for feeling this post as well as all .LoveFatimah
Hello Half Tech,The sunsets are gentle and full of love as it says farewell to another day and I can’t believe in Texas you don’t have beautiful sunsets too ? Thank you for your comment and nice to see another step out of the shadows.Fatimah
we do have nice sunsets here. ;)also I love the font colors, looks nice. 🙂
Life and nature provides us with many opportunities to enjoy things like this.Thanks for pointing out that we have to Stop and take the time to enjoy them.:
HI Sarah,thank you for finally seeing the font colors 🙂 This is what I was talking about last night :DHI Dave,yes we do have to stop and take the time to enjoy this refreshes our mindsand our spirit.LoveFati
Hi zenya!What for the beauty………!!
Wow you are a busy man you are hearing all in one night WOW :)thank you many times Fatimah