Today I woke up to horrid news..
Steve Irwin from Australia dies from a Sting Ray.
Filming a new documetary he was pierced thru the heart and died.
A great father, husband, and conservationist .. I will truly miss him.
He has another site however, so many are on it I can't gain access to it.
Please read about him and his efforts and feel the loss I do 🙁
With a broken heart for the planet.
May he rest in peace and his family continue his workBless them allLoveFati
Hi! I think ……You’ve a right….
A STING RAY???????? I am in absolute SHOCK. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 🙁
This is so sad, the sting ray ‘stabbed’ him in the heart! Now, how often do you think that happens?? Almost like NEVER. This really makes me sad. He was for animals and nature, not against it. And see how he dies? I just don’t get it. 🙁 I won’t tell the kids about this sad news and I hope they don’t find out. Very sad.Love,Sarah
Such a tragical death is very sad – even though I was not the greatest of his fans.
Just a month ago we had his films on Lithuanian TV. And I was absolutely fascinated by his personality and deed’s he do. So sad…It’s really a loss to humanity. God bless his family. Ramute.
:no:I was also not his Fan but my mother always used to see his documentaries, She is very much shocked now :(This news really made all of us very Sad and we can just pray for his soul to rest in peace.With so much love and prays for him.sadaf
A truly heartfelt tribute. My own humble effort.
Thank you all for your sincere comments, I am heart broken from this and to see his little girl who just thought the whole world revolved around himit heart breaking too. the world lost a great man this is all I can say and I only pray to God thatthe world continues where he left off.Thank you again for reading and caring about this wonderful man may God keep him close to him in Heaven and guide his family now in his absence.Love Fati
Hi Fatimah,I’m shocked to hear the news myself. I love watching his show on Animal Planet. You’re right that the world has lost a great man 🙁 He’s done so much in his lifetime and touched millions. I hope that his friends/family continue his work. They are in my prayers.Marcus
HI MarcusNice to see you back in Opera :)Thank you for caring for his life also and for keeping his family in your prayers alsoFati
MOM:cry: I have watched some his videos on TV and I loved them so so much 😥 I am so shocked and I can not think it is done. But i think he is so great man and God need him and God will send others one to us. His family and him will be my prayers always.loveTristan
HI TristanI am so happy you use to watch his videos and got to know him while he was alivehe was a great man and so much of an ANGEL for Animals of all kinds.Yes I do think that God needed him and this is why he was called HOME.Take care and thank you for sharing your part in this .LoveMom
Crazy to think all the crocs and animals he has tangled with and he gets killed by one that he least exspects to get killed by….. too bad he was a hoot to whatch.Jamie
This is a great and shocking loss.We will remember him always.:rip:
HI Dave,So happy you liked him as well.I got an email from my X husband in Egypt and he knew how much I lovedthe CROCK HUNTER he sent his sympathies to me and also he started to watch him after I left and got hooked on his shows too.I really pray for his family now Fati
HI Jamie,I agree with you on this point I always felt he would be hurt or killed by a Crock who would have thought ? 🙁 Thanks for your comment and your presense here .Fatimah
I will miss him. He was something of , which always amzed by his love and passion towards the nature and her siblings.Lucky soul he is, died while doing what he was passionate about, a death I wish I can have.
yes and no.. the way he died was horrid, they said he pulled out the stem of the sting ray and this is what killed him it went right thru his heart 🙁 At least he didn’t die by a gunshot or hit by a train :)I miss him so much and I still pray for his family thank you for caring and I know you loving the outdoors and nature you too have a connection to him.Thank you JV
HI Levi,Thank you for sharing with us your dream and I am sure you will obtain your dream if you stay on the path you set out on. Keep your focus and don’t allow anyone to take your dreams.I hope you keep me posted on your progress.Good luck but I don’t think you will need it :)Fatimah
Hi my names Levi gervais and when I was 6 I started watching his shows. After a month steve became my hero and i wanted to become just like him. Im 13 now when I hered he died I had thought my dreams of meating him and going on a great adventure with him where crushed. Now i realize that i still can have 1 dream come true so im gonna get my education and swimm with the crocks just like him. Thanks steve i solute u.P.S. Levi gervais
thanks Fatimah i will stay on my path
Hi Levi,I am really happy to hear this .. It’s important :)I was taken off my path and for most of my life I wandered from job to jobto find my way.. then late in life I found it.Better than not at all but most wonderful when you can in an early age.:) Fati