There is a town in Northern China that does this every year.
It is a great tourist attraction and is always beautiful.
Most of them have lights inside and as you can see they are really big.
The town is Harbun, and this is a new set of pics.
They get more fantastic all the time.
This is the town where the Chinese had that chemical spill not to long ago.
Also… Someone from China comes to Nashville each fall and makes ice sculptures as part of the Opryland Christmas festivities. As I have been told.
I want to thank my :heart: Li Wang, for the music Spring Water as Li shares so
many wonderful Chinese songs and traditions with me.
Happy , that is my country,yeah , it is very beautiful . Thanks for sharing~~~~~~And welcome to China . Wenchong
These are wonderful artworks!
Wow, those ice sculptures are awesome! It’s always amazing to see the things that people can create if they put their minds to it 🙂 Don’t you wish they could last forever? Thanks for sharing, Fatimah :up:
HI Wenchong,Thank you for viewing It’s been a while since I have seen you :(I hope you are doing well in school and studying hard. Thank you Fatimah
HI Marcus,Yes I do wish things such as these would last forever, they are so beautiful however, they make them each year so new ones are created and loved by all .Thank you for enjoying these photos :)Fatimah
HI Elke,Thank you for viewing and enjoying them as well, It’s amazing how artistic people really are :)Fatimah
MOM,They are so fantaaaaaastic! I ever saw them last Chrismas on TV. And now i can get feeling again about these photos. So great and they who created them, are the talents.Thank you for sharing them with us:)
Hi TristanThank you for getting your feelings back 🙂 and you are welcome for my posts.LoveMom
Great. Words can’t describe the minute details that Chinese artwork can go into. I still recall the fine pencil brush paintings that the two Chinese batchmates of mine used to carve out on the boathooks in the training ship. ThanksRKK
HI RKK,Nice to hear from you again. I would love to see those paintings they must have been wonderful to see.thank you for sharing and making me want more :)Fatimah
hi!It’s beautiful. It was very very hard work…..but very very good
Extraordinary beauty. How they only are able to do such scuptures? As Rkk said it’ a real artwork. Love, Ramute.:)
HI Andreu,Yes I think it is very hard work and don’t forget COLD BURRRR :)thanks for enjoying it’s nice to see you back .Fatimah
HI Ramute,Yes I believe it also being real art work only it melts.. Such precision it’s amazing how acurate also.You have to love creativity. :)Love Fatimah
WOW~~~~~~It’s coooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!Is the town Harbin?I’m in Southern China. However,I want to travel there next year!
HI Zen,thank you for enjoying and if you do go there please take photos :)Miss youFati