A friend of mine made this video and I want to share it
with all of you.
He placed the music with the video and the timing is so perfect
I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do.
I really enjoy this show " Smallville" and this video
is only a part of it.
Get music video codes at Bolt.
Fatimah [/ALIGN]
Hi Fatima. It’s nice video, and music is good, only it’t a pitty I don’tknow the plot.Love, Ramute. 🙂
HI Ramute,Thank you for viewing and sorry you don’t like the plot.I have watched it from the begining and now it doesn’t have the same feeling as it did years ago.. I don’t watch it as much now.I did enjoy my friends work in this video he really moved me in the whole video :)LoveFatimah
Hi Fatimah,Nice video along with the great music :yes: I’m a fan of Smallville and tape it when I can’t be here to watch it. The show has changed some over the years and it does seem to be getting better. Thanks for this post :)Marcus
HI Marcus,I agree with you too I don’t like how it has changed..I watch it from time to timethanksfor enjoying the video my friend worked hard and long to create it.Fatimah
HI Neo,I am greatful to you for your talents 🙂 keep all of your talents coming:) Fati