New Photo Album

I was on my way home today and the sky
caught my attention and I pulled over and shot these photos.

The day was like spring time and I had a wonderful day enjoying
my daughters company and having some laughs so I felt
relaxed to enjoy with God has given me to see and take
photos for all my friends in Opera Land to enjoy
as well.


Enjoy and cherish the beauty,


6 Replies to “New Photo Album”

  1. Nice photos.I often think that apart from bringing people from one side of the world to the other, there is at least one more primary advantage – interesting skies! The jet-traces always attract my attention and bring a graphic quality to the sky – which can be seen on your fine photos too.

  2. HI Ramute,No matter what country it is the sky is always the best part :)I use to take photos of the sunsets in Egypt since my balcony faced westand I would see the most wonderful colors in the sky .. I have the photoson another hard drive that I have to connect to the pc one of these days.LoveFati

  3. HI Alan,Yes the jet traces is what brought me to think of taking thesephotos.. Between the sun setting and the moon being in a good location and the jet traces I had to pull over and SHOOT :)Fatimah

  4. HI Elke,I am enjoying taking photos now I carry the camera all the time.One never knows where a good shot will be.Thanks for viewing 🙂

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