25 Replies to “Trick or Treat ?”

  1. HI Sarah,I don’t know if it is fake but it didn’t look like it .. I know some people do strike out when they are scared 🙁

  2. Sorry, Sarah…it’s not a fake! It has been shown on America’s Favorite Videos (television show) a few times, including just last night! You never know how a person is going to react when you scare the H— outta them!:yikes:

  3. HI Lee,thanks for the update I just took it from Bolt they didnt say it was real or fake but it did look real 🙁 thanks again Fatimah

  4. HI Dave I know what you mean I use to be that way too swing first and ask questions later 😀

  5. HI Dave come closer no closer nooo closer !!! SLAPPPPPP Did you enjoy that ? 😀 LMAO Fati

  6. Yes I am home today trying to fix the broken music links in my May and June blog posts 🙁 Its alot of work but it has to be done !!!I am leaving the heaven house tonight until the end ofNov when I will be back for another week :)Thanks for the :DYou always make me 🙂

  7. Saw that you did those fixes.A bit of work but worth it.Another week at Heaven House at the end of the month is something to look forward to.May you have Log Days and Pleasant Nights. 😀

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