Dedicated to my Friends:
Purple is the color of healing and is also my most favorite color,
with green eyes I can't miss .
This song made me think of the word Friendship.. and how like the waves of the ocean, roll into the shore and back out to sea, it's the same with people, they come into our lives and leave our lives..
I value friendship as a gift.
This is a TRUE friend not just an acquaintance,
but someone who is happy for you and someone who feels your pain
and still stands next to you.
I have been lucky to have a few TRUE Friends in real life and online. I am here for you are you here for me?..
Friendship is more than words it's also actions,
good actions not actions that work against you or hurt you.
Pure in heart pure in soul.
Like the waves of the ocean.. some come and some go..
only the strong true friends remain.
spoken with love,
Enjoy my Purple waves of friendship.
I rec’d this from Gopal and his words remined me of this post I did along time ago.I cried from his words as I know it’s a mistake to wander off aimlessly and alsoGopal has just been very ill and I am not sure if he is 100 percent well yet.Please hold him in your prayers and wish his friendship waves roll back into our lives.. He has been next to me since I met him and I will be sad not to see him next to me any longer. I wait for his return and I hope it’s with good news.. Good luck Gopal.. may God guide your every step.Love youFatimah ————————————————————————————–Hi Fatimah!How are you feeling today? Fatimah, you have always been so greatly nice towards me and I will always remember a nice and caring friend like you because we don’t come across good people every day. Fatimah, I am going out. I mean I am leaving this place now just after some hours this morning. I don’t know where… but somewhere where I can find a good job and make my career bright. Yeah, I am sad also because I had not prepared my mind for it that I would go so suddenly. But now I have to go. Faitmah, I will miss you. Please, take good care of your health and never be sad. I will be in contacts with you. I saw your nice message on my Mobile and I was very happy to see it. Fatimah, you can always send me your SMS on my mobile because I will take it with me. Now I have to close my letter here because I am feeling so sleepy. It’s 1:16 am here now and I will be leaving after some 3 hours. So I take some rest now. Take care of your self and I don’t want to hear that you are not well. Okay! Yours lovingly, Gopal.
Dear Fatimah.As I have said before, and said it again yesterday. There’s no other way. People will respect you all the time, and cherish you as much as you cherish your friends.Some people don’t really get the impotance of your person and how intense is your good vibration towards us.Feel loved, ’cause you are… by all of us.Love,Dan
HI Dan,Thank you for your kind words today and yesterday.. I know you are one who loves me as does JCL and Sarah.I never doubted these people and also Gopal .. I am just worried for himanyone who dashes out into the unknown without a plan is looking for trouble and not greener pastures. I will pray for him as I do all my friends who are worthy of my prayersand just hope God watches Gopal very closely.Thanks again Dan,Love Fatimah
HI Sarah,This is why I love you so much.. You feel what I feel always.. You do understand my point and in India it’s a night mare to move about without a car or place to stay and Gopal has done this before and had a hard timeas he told me and he was just very sick.. Almost died from it and I don’t knowwhy he feels he can just GO!!I told him before he must make a plan and take action not just leave in the mid of the night.. I know some reasons why he does this however, I don’t agree with wandering around with no direction. I did call him but he said the connection was horrid and he could not understand my words.. I know many read my blog I see the numbers and I thank them all for reading and encourging me to keep posting.. I don’t need the verbal “Thank You” I understandwhy… Sarah there is no reason to be envious of anyone .. each has their own talents and faults .. love the person you are and don’t look at the next one and wish to have what they hold. Thank you Sarah for speaking your heart as you always do with me .. I love you Fatimah
I will pray for Gopal as well, Fatimah. Yes, that is dangerous to just leave like that without a plan. I personally do not understand what peopleare thinking when they push forward like that, trying to make something happen. But you also have to remember that pioneers did the same thingand still do today. He is being a pioneer for his family, or hisself I guess.Thank God he will have his phone with him to keep in touch with those thatworry about him. All I can say is I am sorry that you are feeling so sad aboutthis situation. I know that the two of you were really close and I pray that God takes care of him and just as importantly you, who cares about others so much. There is nothing that I could say or do to tell you how much you mean to so many. You know, there are many that read your blog,but do not give you a word of thanks for what you do each day. It is almostlike you are just an automated computer, putting out these wonderful and peaceful post each and every day!! You are doing this for those who read, I personally know this. I just wish more would give you a quick word of thanksevery now and again for what you do. You are spreading peace and love and not getting recognized for it! I just want to protect you Fatimah and foryou not to get hurt by those who are so quiet and cold at times.Ok, I have said enough. Just know that you are loved and I will be praying forGopal. love,Sarah
I just wish I had understanding like you. I am green with jealousy….but I guesswith time comes learning and with learning comes wisdom (or it should be that way)well love ya ttyl
‘A Penny for your thoughts sister’ TAHITI… Mamua,when our laughter ends, And hearts and bodies,brown as white, Are dust about the doors of friends, Or scent blowing down the night, Then,the wise agree, Comes our immortality. Mamua,there waits a land Hard for us to understand. Out of time,beyond the sun, All are one in Paradise, You and Pupure are one, And Tau,and the ungainly wise. There the Eternals are,and there The Good,the Lovely,and the True, And Types,whose earthly copies were The foolish broken things we knew; There is the Face,whose ghost we are; The real,the never-setting Star; And the Flower,of which we love Faint and fading shadows here; Never a tear,but only Grief; Dance, but not the limbs that move Songs in Song shall disappear; Instead of lovers,Love shall be; For hearts, Immutability; And there, on the Idol Reef, Thunders the Everlasting Sea……………x For you Fatimah, Te Arohanui ataahua ;DUBMASTER PhD;
Hi,FatimahRight,like you say.:)I agreed with you on the Friendship.Thanks for sharing this great post with us and your caring for your friends.:heart:Li
HI Henry,Thank you for your beautiful poem and for your caring I really enjoyed reading it and feeling your words.Thank you so muchShokran JazzeelandFatimah
HI Li,You know me very well and you know how muchlove I hold for my friends .. it’s endless.Thank you for seeing this also.:heart:Fatimah
HI Andreu,I thank you for your friendship as well and yourdedication in reading my blog .I am so happy to always see your commentsThank you againFatimah
Hi my Eve!Ow what beautiful blog. Possibly nice and miraculously to read your text. I TY – so beautifully you are writing. That’s all is a truth. I thank for everything!!!