11 Replies to “In Our Tears”

  1. HI Steven,I am soooooooooooo happy to see you again,thank you for enjoying this soft music and allowing me to help you relax ………..again You Steven are so welcome.Thank you for your presence here.Fatimah

  2. HI AxelThank you for your comment and your comment :)I know Opera sometimes has a lag.. Happy you enjoyed this music also.Fatimah 🙂

  3. Hi Fatimah!Ow what too wonderful music. Full of the warmth and the nostalgia. A of also feeling love. Wonderfully photographs are matching with it. One more time I thank!!!!!

  4. Hi Andreu,I thank you for your constant enjoying my efforts.Thank you for always taking the time to comment and most of all FEEL.:) I thank youFatimah

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