Die Another Day Part 2

I decided to take the same road again
that I almost died on as I wrote in this


It's not like me to let my fears over take my judgement and I said today
I will drive that road again and find out about the sign I missed.

There was a sign saying 5 mph and showed a inverted U.. however, the sign
was so small it's no wonder I missed it.

I am happy I faced my fear and drove over the mountian again for this
was a good short cut and I will continue to use it each month.

Also the views are breath taking I will get some photos when the weather
is better 🙂

Thank you for reading.

10 Replies to “Die Another Day Part 2”

  1. It’s great to face your fears; however, with today’s technology allowing electrical signs to be powered by solar power plates, they should have had a flashing yellow light on that sign and the sign should have definitely been much larger. It doesn’t matter if the road is not a major road used by a multitude of people. The saving of just one life is worth the nominal cost.Just my opinion.~Lee~PS: Needless to say, but I’ll say it anyway, I sure am glad you are still here with us!:yes:

  2. HI Lee,You are so right and what’s amazing is there is a state park right on the same road which means to me many outsiders travel here to see the views. I was going to take photos but it was cloudy and misting and really not much to see in this weather however spring time it will be marvelous.thank you Lee for your kind caring words.. I am happy to be here also,would hate to miss OPERA and my friends 🙂

  3. I have it so easy.My wonderful wife had most of the shopping finished by October.Presents were wrapped and under the tree the weekend after Thanksgiving.Now, every weekend through the New Year is filled with activities.Thanks for asking…………how bout yours?

  4. Oh you are so spoiled :DMy shopping is done the final gift will come this week via the mailand my gift will be in NYC 🙂 I have many gifts in my closet that I have to sort thru and will do it this week as my work is almost done for the month of December and I will be on vacation from the 26th to Jan 1. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYNYC here I come 😀

  5. So glad to hear you’ve been enjoying the gift of giving and to hear of your itinerary.Sounds like the holiday will be a wonderful time for you……hope so:D

  6. Thanks Dave, yes this holiday is going to be the best ever and the begining of a new life for me :)news at 11 lol

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