18 Replies to “Joyus Christmas PPS”

  1. That was so cute the way the decoration were added. 🙂 Thanks and Merry Christmas to you as well. :)Sarah

  2. HI P,Merry Christmas to your family too P, I hope this year brings you many memories and JOY.:angel:Fati

  3. HI Mateo,nice to see you here again , and thank youfor your wishes I wish the same to your and yoursI am sure you will be partying it up big time :)Fati

  4. HI Sarah,I thought this was a much differnt PPS file as I have seen many and the way the graphics were added really made it outstandingthank you for your wishes and I hope your Christmas this yearis the best one yet. Love to you and yoursFatimah

  5. Have a Great Christmas season Fatima! We might get some snow this year 🙂 in Roswell!AH Dan R L0w

  6. HI Steven,Thank you and may your Christmas be a blessed oneand know we are all apart of the same dayin spirit and fleshAlways Fatimah

  7. HI Abraham,Have a great holiday season also and stay out of the snow :)I just saw on the news Las Vegas rec;d snow :yikes:Fatimah

  8. yes he is and also longs to have a family closer than his is .I hope he continues to do well in health and studies.

  9. ahhhhh thanks Dave..your so sweet and thanks for being Tristans Dad too,he really is doing better having our family with him in his thoughts.. :yes:

  10. HI Dave,You are so very welcome :)and may you have a great holiday and a really HAPPY NEW YEARS TOO :DThanks for being YOU

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