Rememberance Merry Christmas

This was a commerical made
by Budweiser for rememberance not for
making money from.

It was aire only once from what I understand
I don't have definite knowledge of this .

I feel it being Christmas today it would be
fitting to include this video to hold
ALL who has died for NO REASONin memory.

Posted By:Lady OF Dreams

Get this video and more at

Love to all
and may God rest their souls.

5 Replies to “Rememberance Merry Christmas”

  1. This is a very nice post, I enjoyed the touching commercial. They should have shown it more, as much as they show their other commercials. Thanks for sharing this thoughtful post with us :up:Merry Christmas!

  2. HI MarcusYes I thought so too and why I don’t know they didnt aire it much morethanks for enjoying and I hope your day is a great one.Fati

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