I replied to a comment made to me on someone
elses blog and his comment was like this,
"why can't we love instead of fight wars"
Those were not the actual words but the
line of thought.
His comment made me think of the 60's when
everyone did love and gave flowers to prove
it to strangers and this is where the slogan
gave birth.
IMAGINE }}}}}}}}
Love and Hope,
I find the world is full of people fighting each other in the name of religion, country, money etc. People use each and every way to earn money albeit, illegal, immoral. Can anyone join hands with me to make this world worth living?Here is the blog :)http://my.opera.com/shashishenoy/blog/2007/01/05/lets-make-this-world-worth-living?cid=2453226
“why can’t we love instead of fight wars”Too difficult for someone because that problem consits of many things. And all of you and I why don’t do that???Peace!:heart:
thank you my son it’s wonderful thoughts that matter too :)Love youMom
So you agree Andreu?