
Dedicated to all the selfish people I have entrusted my heart
to in the past year.
Maybe you will read this and learn
from these words and maybe GROW UP FROM THEM !

I copied and paste this information here not like some
people who do this and claim it's their thoughts.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Selfishness is, at base, the concept and/or practice of concern with one's own interests in some sort of priority to the interests of others; it is often used to refer to a self-interest that comes in a particular form, or above a certain level.

Selfishness is usually associated with a deliberate act. For example, a selfish person deliberately focuses on his own agenda, rather than that of others. The act of being selfish can also be unconscious or accidental. This type of selfishness is no less valid and may actually be more destructive to an overall society, due to its less obvious nature. Examples of unconscious selfishness may be so small as to not be noticed, but often occur in large quantities.

Enlightened self-interest is a philosophy in ethics which states that persons who act to further the interests of others (or the interests of the group or groups to which they belong), ultimately serve their own self-interest. [1] It has often been simply expressed by the belief that an individual, group, or even a commercial entity will "do well by doing good".


13 Replies to “Selfishness”

  1. I once did a post on does it pay to be selfish.I now believe it does pay and I am going to start being selfish too .The selfish ones win all the time they gain more moneymore life more health.Sounds good to me !

  2. Fati,The post is good.Sometimes you have to think about yourself. Please, do that.You’re a giver, we know that, and I’m sure you miss being a receiver, sometimes.We love you, k?Love,Dan

  3. Nice post.I try not to be selfish. I try to spread as much love as possible. I don’t know if I have unconscious selfishness.But people should not allow themselves to be used either. A little selfishness is always good.

  4. I agree… Its not like I dont like the selfish person I dont like the selfishness itself. But we’re all human and make selfish and senseless mistakes. Its the ones who do it constantly on purpose you have to think about reconsidering relationships with. I know we dont know eachother but I thought your post was interesting…Happy Travels,..~**Rayne**~..

  5. HI Dan,I know you love me 🙂 always knew it and will always know itit’s the ones who say they love me and don’t show it I have always said Actions speak louder than words !Their actions prove more than their empty words :(Love you too DanFati

  6. HI Rayne,Thank you for the comment and yes what you said is correct when someone exhibits the same selfish acts it’s not a mistake it’s part of their personality and character.I have been around people long enough to know when someone is self centered or giving Thank you for your comment and your visit here Fati

  7. HI Dr Launch,thank you for sharing with me and you are right I am going to stop being used by anyone family or friends or foes :)No more :)Thanks Fati

  8. HI RKK,I do understand your point and if you read my email from Dec. you would see what I am talking about.I give without wanting anything in return.. I help those who need meI give my time, money, heart and soul sometimes.All I get out of giving is anquish and constant crushing of my precious heart.I am who I am however, there are lines drawn now and I will keep them alive and not allow others to drain my golden heart. I don’t have much left in my tired heart .. soon I will be expired from all who take from me and like the well . it needs to be replenished. I need to be replenished :(Love you my RKKFatimah

  9. Dear Zenya,I am appalled…. These words coming from you will make one lose faith in all that is good..!!I come from a land which had/have sages, one such, Swami Vivekananda said ” LET THE GIVER KNEEL DOWN AND GIVE, LET THE RECEIVER STAND UP AND ACCEPT… THE PRIVILEGE OF GIVING IS GIVEN TO VERY FEW” Zenya, you are one such. Do not change it. It is simply not worth it.And MONEY? Is it all that is there to life.? Let me wring out some synopsis from AYN RAND – in her novel Atlass Shrugged… ( But before that a look into my own views on this will not be out of place… School leaving time, I was 15 then, my headmaster wrote in the first page of my autograph ” The test of love is sacrifice” in trembling blue ink. The next three years saw me complete my pre-university and then join sea. I was into Ayn Rand by then and taken up with such profound philosophy of hers that Des cartes, Will Durant, jean-paul-saitre et al matterred little- I wrote back to my headsmaster through my father ” Please tell him,papa, that ” If test of love be sacrifice, then it is a SELFISH sacrifice” … the rest is another story.) Coming back to AynRand, At one hand, she speaks through Franscisco D’anconio the glory of money, it roots and that it is NOT EVIL ( in the right hands) . On the other hand she speaks of ” Selfishness, through John Galt and that a woman who has only two dollars with her must buy the hat she desired most instead of buying food for her starving child if she VALUES her hat more… ” . you see, what one values most is the key that makes the difference. You see, the selfishness that AynRand speaks of seems more of an “exalted selfishness” … I had even once debated that ” Mahathma Gandhi was the most selfish man… He did what pleased him,what gave him immense fulfillment.. ” Are’nt the sages ‘selfish by the same token? So, be yourself, Fatima.Be that as it may,in my present profession as a professor I find it difficult to give ,on a platter, to most colleagues of mine my Love’s Labour – ie the preparations, the notes, the lesson structure or my knowledge… This is not out of selfishness or possessiveness, but born out of an anguish that ” Knowledge handed out without effort will not be able to ‘vibrate’.. I firmly believe that a good teacher should not impart plain knowledge but must transfer “vibrations” , these vibrations stay long and deep in memory. So, Zen-ya, upto you. My request is ‘Be yourself’ Much LoveRKK

  10. Dear Fatimah,Sorry, I have not read quite a few your mails of December, and may be have missed out on some important ones.. But, dear, There are a few things which will not deplenish by giving.. the well will only fill up more. Knowledge, wisdom and Love are these things. Of these three, Love is a bit dicey. When love is given expecting ‘something’ in return and if that ‘something’ does not come up, it leaves the ‘giver’ feeling hurt. But the pangs are short-lived, believe me. The agony of changing one’s loving self is even harsher, a deep vacuum will be felt and not worth it.Remember that the value others pay- by merely enjoying out of your hands- is so great and so silent that the giver does not realise its true worth. The giver says ” This too shall pass”. At the same time his vibes within have grown lovlier…. So cheer up and give me/ others cheers as always.PlainlyRKK

  11. Hi again RKK,I do know what you mean and I do give and keep giving however, I am not givingso easily now .You have missed a huge email I wrote you 🙁 Thank you for always lending your heart, I cherish it .LoveFatimah

  12. Wow, this is a pretty strong statement. Sometimes in opening our heart, we are closing our minds to what else can be out there. I know that you and I are close, or we used to be at least….but you have to understand that the world is made up of more than just one or two people. I honestly want to get along with everyone……The bigger question is, who is this directed to? And…..why? Like I told Michelle, (capegirl) I have had to step away from drama, selfish people, rumors, etc. for the simple fact that it is not worth my time on this earth to hate someone for any reason. I have a busy life that requires a lot of attention to the children and I don’t have time to sit around and hate someone. I know that you are a very busy woman, as well. So I know that you feel the same way. 🙂 Be strong, you are strong!!! I do hope you can forget the selfish people and concentrate on what is really important and that is your family 🙂 Beautiful grandkids and everyone. I do have to say, though, when you say that you give and don’t want anything in return, that is not true… want love in return and that is what you are looking for. When you don’t get it, then it weighs on your heart and that is what hurts…..So I hope that you can embrace the fact that you do expect something in return…when you know that then healing can begin. 🙂 Sarah

  13. HI Sarah,I too have stepped away from drama and trying to heal aching hearts and helpingpeople who need help in english and life matters, I feel that God gave me a lot of wisdom to share and for those who take itwill be better from receiving it.I did my part and now it’s someone elses turn, like I said, if the well is not replenished it will dry up.. I am dried up emotionally now and have nothing to offerany one but myself. When I give to someone yes I do want something in return I want their happinessand their life to be better from what I might have placed into their hearts and minds.I don’t hate anyone I dislike .. and that is an emotion that is vaild and you can’t go thru life eating crap from people due to you want to LIKE everyone. That’s not realistic.Not everyone gets along and not everyone is worth my time in any form.To each his own, I am here for you always,LoveFatimah

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