

This song guides my mind to see the beauty in architecture of Mosques.

The passion of those whom built these architectural master pieces

The designs are guided from within… all for HIM..

Each tile laid with love and devotion hundreds of years ago,
and for their future and those who will follow.

With love,

12 Replies to “Architecture”

  1. Music by Thierry David,very magical :)music shared by Qbone :heart:Most beautiful mosques are in IstanbulTurkey.. however there are many in all parts of the world ..

  2. Thanks for your beautiful post…Islamic Art is realy fascinating, I often have difficulty to imagine the love in the creators of these beauties.If you ever visit Istanbul I’d like to guide you through history and city:)Best Regards…

  3. Beautiful design.Like you said the hands that built these were lead by god.Thank youHave a wonderful evening FatiSteven

  4. HI B,Thank you for enjoying the post and feeling my heart inside each cordand photo.While in Egypt I did see a lot of mosques and enjoyed the buidings andbridges .. There is so much inside Islamic art of all formsand I can never get enough.Thank you I might take you up on that guided tour :)Fatimah

  5. Hi Amir,I love that photo very much thank you for sharing it with meand for enjoying my post..and as always thank you for the MUSIC :DLoveFati

  6. Hi Diem,I am sure you will have many chances to visit a mosqueas you will travel one day and you will remember me when you see them :)LoveMom

  7. HI Andreu,I have seen many in person and they are all so majestic even the old ones that are falling apart they all have their own charms. I knew you would love that music 🙂 Thanks Andreu Fati

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