This song reminded me of a time I smelled Heaven..
My Ex husband in New Yorks father was dying and the night before he passed,
I was sitting in the room with all the family and all of a sudden a scent
of the most wonderful flowers drifted past me..
I asked my husband of that time.. " Did you smell the flowers?"
He replied, " No"
I asked others in the room," Does anyone smell flowers?"
They all replied,"No"
I can still remember the smell today.. nothing can take it from my memory…
I knew at that point, I was blessed to have been invited to sample
In Love and Light..
this song is from the new cd of Delerium, Nuages Du Monde.every song from this cd is magical I will be using most of them :)Photos are from a new friend who is very creative.. His gallery can be seen here.. art is wonderful as you can see from this one I have used here. LoveFati
Hello FatiI myself have been close to heaven.Back a few years ago I was involved in a bad 4 wheel drive accident which nearly took my life.While awaiting for the rescue squad to arrive I was taken back to my youth.I pictured myself standing on the pitchers mound pitching baseball as I had in my youth,and then riding on my new red stingray bike my father had bought me.I will never forget this as long as i live.It was a magical experience.Thanks for this reminder.Steven
Hi FatimahThe scent of most wonderful flowers are full of the Heaven?? Can you sure is not a dream??? …:):)yeah thanks for a magical experience from Steven and Fatimah …Enjoy ourselves Wenchong
I liked the music and magical atmosphere of this post…Like Sonam I can’t share my heaven experiences, it is too personal.Love,Ramute.:)
Wow I’d like to share my own experience with you but I feel that its too embarrasing for me.Sonam:cool:
HI Wenchong,It was not a dream I was awake and surrounded by many people,If you don’t believe then you will not experience these blessings.Fatimah
Hi Steven,We all have times we get a sneak peek of Heaven however, some seem to over lookthe experience and really don’t even take in account they were blessed.You have been blessed and I hope you take this and hold it deep inside your heart as a reminder of things to come.. Seek for the goodness life has to offer and leave the bad behind as it is an anchor that weighs your soul down.Thank you for sharing your great memory, it’s important for othersto know we are not alone .Fati
Sonam don’t be embarrased, you can share it in a PM if you likeThe more we speak of the unseen the more will speak of the unseen :)Fati
Hi Ramute,Yes, it is personal however for me I share even the personal since it’s important for me to allow others feel and see into my blessingsand if I can help someone from just one of my posts which I have helped many then my blessings are shared and allows one to open to maybe a blessing of their own.There are many things I won’t share of my life since they too are very deeply personal.Thank you Ramute for always caringLoveFatimah