A Horrid Week and Its Only Half Over


As you know I service stores for many companies,

I was doing my work and completing stores on my list
and driving 208 miles in the one day and the racks I was
suppose to set up were not in so I reported them not

I get home and the next day I get an email
the racks are in now. Can you go back to do them?

So that really upset me since they don't pay for the
gas or drive time. 🙁

So today I started to go do those displays in
the snow and over mountians where as last week
it was warmer and nicer weather.

Then today I have a problem with this red neck
idiot who wanted to bother me driving so I had
to pass him and then he followed me into the
parking lot of a store I had to do and said
he called the police on me, I said, " OH GOOD,
I have a few things to tell them about you"

Of course he didn't call .. he thought he
was going to scare me LOL.. he found out
differntly 🙂

Then the Tuesday, it was very windy and I always
park far from the stores so the carts and people
don't hit my car.

I come out of a store and find that someone did not
return their shopping cart so the wind pushed it onto
my car and now my fixed car has a dent on the drivers side

I have a $200. deductable and it's not worth reporting
for getting it fixed since the store won't pay for it.

And to think it's only Wednessday today 🙁

I am only wondering what Thursday holds.

Wish me luck 🙂
Thanks for letting me vent,


10 Replies to “A Horrid Week and Its Only Half Over”

  1. HI Mickey,Well I was due for one I have been having nicer days mostlythen my sister got home from work and said she had a runin with some women in the grocery store so there musthave been a full moon :Dthanks for your comment and link.Fatimah

  2. HI Mickey,Well I was due for one I have been having nicer days mostlythen my sister got home from work and said she had a runin with some women in the grocery store so there musthave been a full moon :Dthanks for your commentFatimah

  3. Yes, there are such unhappy days. I wish you that next day would be more kind to you. Love, Ramute.:)

  4. Hi Ramute,Thank you for your caring I had another bad dayI drove 215 miles spend 20.00 for gas and made little money .I was so tired from doing the racks which are heavyI had no more energy to do more stores which were futherso I came home and will go to bed soon. its only 530 pm. Thank you again for always caringLoveFati

  5. Sorry to hear, you are in such a bad time.But today is the end of this horrible week. :up:I hope and wish for you for better times. 🙂

  6. Hi”GAS IS $2.89 a gallon”. It’s “low” price. Sorry, I use petrol. It’s price $5,18 a gallon!

  7. HI Elke,Today is Friday and I am taking the day off to do office workI am sick now and enough for this week,thanks for the caring:)Fatimah

  8. HI Andreu,I know it’s costly in other places like New Foundland is very high for a long time it’s just whenyou are working to have some kind of life and all your money you make goes into the gasit’s almost not worth working.I am thinking of changing my work as I am now getting older and I don’t have medical coverageand today I am sick and I have to think how to see a doctor to get meds which I can’t buy without his note.Great old USA full of red tape.Fatimah

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