My scout sent me this the other day
and I watched it and was really
amazed in the car and driver.
Please take the time to view this video
you won't be sorry.
It took my breath away 🙂
My scout sent me this the other day
and I watched it and was really
amazed in the car and driver.
Please take the time to view this video
you won't be sorry.
It took my breath away 🙂
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Astonishing video, I want my breath back…………..wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!1Simply amazing…..
Hi Edwin,I know it took mine away also,the cost of such a car is in the millions :(Oh well we can only dream and watch the video :)thanks for viewingFati
Wow, loved it! When I am rich and famous… :cheers:
I hear that :Dit took my breath away and then some more Thanks for enjoying now start dreaming
Great video, I watched the original on Top Gear.
HI Mickey,I watch Top Gear from time to time too. its cool and I am nuts over fast cars :)thanks for viewing
I really like Top Gear. The three lads can be quite funny.I thought it was interesting that they got James May aka “Captain Slow” to do the driving. He was talking to Jeremy Clarkson after they showed the clip about how drving that fast can change you sense of speed. May had slowed the car down and was getting ready to open the door and get out. Then he looked at the gauges and saw he was still going 70 mph. :eyes:
HI Mickey:yikes:thats funny and yes those guys can be a hoot ..thanks for sharing that funny story