Fly to the sky and feel no sorrow,
Lover stay tonight until tomorrow.
when a nights like this could turn the world around
tell me how you feel will you be nowhere bound.
Fly to the sky and feel no sorrow,
Lover stay tonight until tomorrow.
when a nights like this could turn the world around
tell me how you feel will you be nowhere bound.
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artwork by moonmomma :) couldn’t find the lryics for this song and my hands hurt today so I can’t type to much.thanks for enjoying 🙂
bee-you-tee-full! just like you! :pi’m pathetic at ryhming. sorry. 😆
HI Sugar,It’s the thought that counts 🙂 thank you for your comment and feeling the post:)
:)u have beautiful avatars and beautiful images and beautiful words… i’m happy (more than happy, actually) to be one of the statistic visitors on yr blog… :p
I am honored by your heartthank you and I do hopeyou enjoy ALL the music and photos and wordsinside my blogThank you so muchFatimah
yes… am still here. 😆