Fly To The Sky

Fly to the Sky

Fly to the sky and feel no sorrow,
Lover stay tonight until tomorrow.

when a nights like this could turn the world around
tell me how you feel will you be nowhere bound.


6 Replies to “Fly To The Sky”

  1. artwork by moonmomma :) couldn’t find the lryics for this song and my hands hurt today so I can’t type to much.thanks for enjoying 🙂

  2. HI Sugar,It’s the thought that counts 🙂 thank you for your comment and feeling the post:)

  3. :)u have beautiful avatars and beautiful images and beautiful words… i’m happy (more than happy, actually) to be one of the statistic visitors on yr blog… :p

  4. I am honored by your heartthank you and I do hopeyou enjoy ALL the music and photos and wordsinside my blogThank you so muchFatimah

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