Another Nor-Easter.. Sunday to Monday
I am seeing flowers which want to bloom die from the ice and now snow
which will come.
I am also seeing more dead squirrels too. I feel the animals
are being confused with the return of very cold weather and they are running around
trying to get food or mate .. not sure ..
I worked for a seed company this week, not to many in sales 🙁 no one
has gardening on their minds when the weather is winter time now.
January was the warmest in weather history and now April is showing
to be colder than normal.
How is the weather in your country ? NORMAL OR NOT?
Just wondering what is going on and I am working 12 hours a day now
so Please forgive me for no musical posts 🙂
I will work on some soon, now I am working 6 days a week too with the bad
weather being here I have to work when the weather is good 🙁
Thanks for reading and replying.
I think, from now on the climate will not be as it was before.You’re in cold there in US which is not normal, here in Turkey we’ve lived the driest winter I’ve ever seen, what is waiting for us is desert heat this summer.One must be blind to ignore the difference, something must be done urgently, however I’m not optimistic about that… :(bjerkely
Hi again,I know what you mean our winter was not as wet as it usually is and now the spring is showing signs of wetness which is normal however, not in snow or coldness as it has been. These are the signs of things to come however, in whose lifetime? We all have to do our part for future generations but the question is….WILL WE? Thank you my friend for sharing as you do alwaysFati
Hi, Fatimah, climat is very different this year here in Easten Europe than usually was. Global warming? And then month of severe winter. Now we have a pleasant weather and it is relevantly warm, the bushes have small leaves, but not the trees. Wise people say, that there will be another cold time.With love, Ramute.:)
Hi , Eve how are you ?I’m back again !I ‘m always being busy doing my web-design work in the past.I’m sorry for that i have no time keep in touch with .But now ,i can do that .
Fati, How did all the dinosaurs die? Or others as well? Mass extinctions?Other Mass Extinctions? We know of several mass extinctions in the history of life; the great dying is not nearly the largest! The largest would be the “Permo-Triassic” extinction, between the Permian and Triassic periods, of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras. In this obviously catastrophic event, life on Earth nearly was wiped out — an estimated 90% of all species living at that time were extinguished. We are fairly sure that the extinction was due to many changing global conditions at that time, but even that is not solved yet. The issue has not received much press because the dinosaurs were not involved, but another familiar group, the trilobites, were wiped out among others.taken from is a very serious subject, I know you are busy…but others can discuss it…?’:heart:Sarah
Well, here, in Minnesota, in March there were couple of Summer-like days, then it all became super cold all of the sudden, and only now finally it looks like Spring is settling in.
Hi Collin, nice to see you again I know you are busy too 🙂 thanks for reading and welcome back 😉
Hi All,I know the weather has been differnt for all countries I hear it from a few and I know this is only the begining of more strangeness to come. Sarah I know what you mean, I know all this happened before millions of years agoand this is what the scienctist are trying to show us and not many will listen.Just think millions of years ago there weren’t cars so imagine now with all the carsin the world :(More people have to take notice and try to make changes in their life stlyes.Just think if we all did just a small amount it would be HUGE Thank you all for sharingLove Fati