Helping Wolves

Magic Forest

The Bush Administration wants to strip Greater Yellowstone's
wolves of federal protection, paving the way for mass killing of
wolves in the northern Rockies.

The administration is accepting public comments on this
disastrous proposal only until May 9. Please register your
opposition right now and submit an Official Citizen Comment.

Removing wolves from the endangered species list would put them
at the mercy of Wyoming and Idaho, which are already plotting to
kill off half their wolves. The governor of Idaho himself has
pledged to be one of the first to shoot a wolf!

Wyoming is seeking federal approval for a plan that would
classify wolves as predators. Predator status would allow anyone
to shoot a wolf anywhere at anytime, virtually ensuring that the
wolf population dwindles to the absolute minimum number allowed
by law.

Rampant oil and gas development, logging and other threats are
taking a mounting toll on the western wildlands that wolves
depend on for survival. More than ever, wolves need tough
federal safeguards against hunting and habitat loss.

The wolf's remarkable comeback from the brink of extinction in
Greater Yellowstone is one of America's greatest environmental
success stories. Don't let the Bush Administration destroy that

Send your Official Citizen Comment today and tell the Bush
Administration not to abandon the wolf!


Frances Beinecke
NRDC Action Fund

Please help them,

9 Replies to “Helping Wolves”

  1. Music by Oliver Shanti my favorite please hear the music while you read and see how preicousour wolves are LoveFati

  2. As I’m not a US citizen I can’t take action but, of course, I share your opinion. :)Best regardsElmar

  3. Sorry, I don’t live in US so I can’t do nothing but educate people in my country about wolves. Cordialy, Ramute.:)

  4. Hi Ramute,I understand living outside the USA you can’t signhowever, the knowledge of what goes on in USA effectsall countries as does what goes on in your country effectsus all the way over here. Thank you for always caring,LoveFati

  5. Now I read your blog. And I share your opinion, too. We’ve similar problems. As for example, structure of road circular railroad in field National Park Biebrza. There field is unique placed marshy in Europe. Thanks for a “magic” music…

  6. Hello dear friend, It has been a quite while out of here, but I always enjoyed how you try us to understand what is really important, “Mother Nature” in all it’s meanings, congrats.

  7. Hi Lucid,Yes you have been gone for a while, :(thank you for seeing my point and sharing Welcome back

  8. Hi AndreuYes we do agree on many things thank you for reading and alwaysenjoying the music

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