A Man Among Wolves

A Man Among Wolves.

I saw a piece of this on 20/20 on Friday night and
could not believe how wonderful the blend of man
and wolf has evolved.

Of course he rasied these wolves from being small
due to the mother rejecting them however, they are
still wild wolves and the love they shared for Shaun
Ellis was breath taking.

Shaun gave up most of his adult life to study and become
their family and due to his sacrifice we now know more
about wolves than ever before.

Please take the time to check this site out and if you can
see the show you won't be sorry.

National Geographic is as good as Discovery Channel when it comes to
documentaries and photographs.

National Geo

This post is in realationship to my previous post about saving the wolves
it's most important for our civilization and the future of our world.


9 Replies to “A Man Among Wolves”

  1. As far as I know this is a documentary which will be on National Geographic, April 16th.One sentence of this guy, Shaun Ellis, is remarkably.He says “wolves do not have feelings and I leave my feelings among wolves”.Now that I don’t agree…bjerkely

  2. I agree with you also they do have feelings as they proven it many times to him. yes this show is on Monday the 16th and I am going to see it as well asmy 3 girls and their children finally a family affair:)I hope you can view it also.. I feel it’s time well spent.thanks for bringing this out.Fati

  3. A some months ago I seen program at him and “his” wolves in my TV. This program was very interesting…….

  4. It is amazing. I watched the show and it fascinated me. I’ll see may be I shall be able to see TV show, because we subscribe Discovery channel.Thank you Fati, warmly, Ramute.

  5. Couldn’t watch………dang it.Saw the trailer though, where he is interacting closely with the wolves.Reminded me of the bear guy.He was a good meal!:D

  6. Hi Andreu and Ramute,I am so happy you did see it and see how much love the wolves shared to Shaun. I am sure he will add more knowledge to those studing the wild wolf.Thank you for sharingFati

  7. Hi Dave,It’s going to be on again if you check the site it gives you the day it will show again.yes I saw the documentary of the bear guy he was really wild :)Yes he died the way he wanted to 🙁

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