Peaceful Healing

I wanted to share something with a peaceful feeling
and give some comfort to those still feeling the horror
of the shootings.

I am posting this video link not because it's Islamic
however, it's very peaceful and beautiful photos and music.

I hope you will take some time to feel the peace and offer a
prayer to those killed in Virgina .


God speaks in many languages and to all of us not just Muslims.
The words you will hear are words in the Bible as well and the Quran.
I am not asking you to agree or disagree, just feel the beauty.

Please open your heart and mind and feel the peace.


10 Replies to “Peaceful Healing”

  1. Yes, God’s love is wonderful. :love: Somehow looking beyondthe shooting will be a reality….but right now, it is too shocking to even think about. 🙁 Like I said in my blog, thereis no telling what someone with mental illness and stress could do to the mind. 🙁 Poor guy was completely gone with sadnessor pain, whatever it was… too bad he wanted to take others downwith him. The ultimate act of selfishness.He was not thinking, plain and simple. Have a good evening Fati.:heart:

  2. so beautiful picture you posted !thanks peaceful feeling ,that’s good in my mind !when i felt tired or bored , i will look out of the window skies are blue ,life is good

  3. Thank you all for sharing and caring.Just today they revealed this young man left a note as to why ..He hated rich kids, the people who stood for money. I guess he was on a grant not sure . Thank you for viewing this video and allowing me to offer YOU my readers,some peace .:heart:Fati

  4. I support angel292005. She has absolutely right…. The Christianity, Islam, Buddism and other religious and philosophies are preaching love and respect to other people and the world.

  5. I also heard that he wrote some really strange poetry inclass and they tried to get him to improve it, students evenquit coming to class because of the poetry….:( I have notheard anything about him not having money yet but you know, that could have been a reason as well. We will be learning more soon. Poor kid… he had to be tortured.

  6. Hi Sarah,I am sure he was disturbed and more will come out.. I am upset with the professor, she had the in with him and the window of opportunity to guide him not just TELL HIM to go seek help. I don’t like to blame anyone but I know teachers and professors do have some responsibility to follow thru with problem students.

  7. Also it was said that he did have a psychological exam, only to be foundas needing help…Oh yes, you are right about teachers and professors…today, I talked to my daughter’s special ed teacher on the phone. He didn’t even know that her mental retardation is caused from birth! He said on the phone to me, “Well, Angela’s problem is not something that she was born with.” I wanted to jump through the phone and choke his ass. (sorry but true) Yes, the teachers are taking a backseat, they are not being the teachers that they should be; that modern convenience can let them be, more importantly. He asked me to visit the school to see how things work there, I asked him to visit my home to see how things work here….They want a child to have a perfect life at home……and then they can’t be responsible for them at school? It is up to the parent to make sure everything is handy dandy? They are with our children as much as we are…and they are not responsible? You are absolutely right in what you said, Fatimah.

  8. Hi Sarah,I went thru hell with Nicks teachers and school, I spent more time there than work.I insisted they test him for all sorts of problems and they refused until I threatened them with a law suit then I noticed he was tested and tested. Teachers are over worked and they don’t have a support system for themselves and they feel they are over paid babysitters and the parents aren’t doing their part and bla bla bla you know what I mean.All I can say is be persistant and know your state laws in relationship to tests and rights of your daughter this is the best power tool you can have.I use to work for Head Start as a social worker and I learned the laws and rights of the children in New York state so Nicks school couldn’t give me a snow job . Keep after them you have rights and most of all so does your children and the school as to test them at THEIR EXPENSE NOT YOURS.

  9. Yes, I agree….and they got so freaked out when I mentioned “advocate of the state” that I started getting first class treatment, I am thinking it was a little late…But anyway surprizing enough I have a meeting with them at 8 am Monday morning to set up transportation for her. :):heart:

  10. great to hear remember to stick to your rights they all feel the general public is clueless and I am sure there are many resources online for you to find out more of your rights as well.Congrats

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